Today we have released an installer for our FOX subscribers only for XSharp Cahors 2.13 which contains some fixes for problems reported with X# 2.12, and some new features.

The what's new document describing all the changes can be found here:

{rsfiles path="fox/Compiler/"}

A public release is planned for next week.

We had promised a X# 2.13 release "end of July"
We were about to release this build to our beta testers, but we found some last minute issues, mostly in the VS integration.

Since some of our team members are going for a short, well deserved, holiday, we will delay this build for a couple of weeks.
If you are "deperately" waiting for some of the new features, please contact us.
We can still give you the current installer, but there are a few "known issues" that some people may see as "show stoppers".

We think it is time for a progress update and a preview of what you can expect the rest of this year from us.

When What
End of July 2022 A new build X# 2.13 for our FOX subscribers.
This build will have some changes to the compiler, mostly in the area of the handling of DEFINES and numeric conversions and the /vo4 and /vo11 compiler options.
No real new features are planned for the compiler.
The runtime contains some fixes for FoxPro code and contains some small enhancements.
The VS Integration contains improvements in the formatting and intellisense, Windows Forms editor
End September 2022 We plan to release a new build (most likely called X# 3.0) that is compatible with .Net 5 and beyond.
This requires changes to the build system and VS integration and some changes to the compiler.
We will also additional compile the X# runtime for .Net 5 and beyond.
This build will also no longer be "binary compatible" with X# 2, so new versions of 3rd party components will be needed.
Of course we will still support .Net Framework 4.x
We also plan to release the first version of the VFP Xporter  that takes a VFP project file and converts that to a .Net solution.
October 2022 We hope to meet many of you during our X# summit in Memmingen.
And you can still register for this event.
We will also present a session on Virtual FoxFest about converting FoxPro apps to .Net.
December 2022 We plan to release the final version of the AnyCpu/Unicode VO Compatible GUI Classes and the AnyCpu/Unicode VO Compatible SQL Classes.
A first beta version of the X# SQL RDD is also planned for this month
These runtime components will be for FOX subscribers only.

Today we have released a public installer for XSharp Cahors 2.12.

The what's new document describing all the changes can be found here:

The public installer can be downloaded here.

{rsfiles path="installers/"}

We have also updated the installer for the FOX version of 2.12.

{rsfiles path="fox/Compiler/"}

We have made the following changes in this installer (these changes are also included in the public version)

  • Restored support for VS 2022, versions 17.0 and 17.1
  • Fixed an issue in the VS integration that would cause problems with TFS
  • The runtime help for functions and methods with CLIPPER calling convention (such as the Str() function) has been updated.

If you have downloaded before and you do not use VS 2022 version 17.0 or 17.1 and you do not use TFS then you do not need to download this update, unless you want to get the updated help file.

Today we have released an installer for our FOX subscribers only for XSharp Cahors 2.12 which contains some fixes for problems reported with X# 2.11, and some new features.

The what's new document describing all the changes can be found here:

{rsfiles path="fox/Compiler/"}

A public release is planned for next week.