We returned from the X# Summit yesterday.

It was very good to be back in Germany after more than 3 years and to meet our customers and friends.

Some of the announcements of this event:

  • X# 3.0 will contain support for .Net 5,6 & 7 and will have breaking changes compared with X# 2. The codename for X# 3.0 is ╬ô╬▒╬»╬▒ (Gaia)
  • We are preparing for an X# Summit on March 30,31 2023 in Austin (TX)
  • We are planning a next X# Summit in Memmingen on October 12,13 2023



Today we have released an installer for our FOX subscribers only for XSharp Cahors which contains some fixes for problems reported with X# 2.13, and some new features.

The what's new document describing all the changes can be found here:

{rsfiles path="fox/Compiler/XSharpSetupFox2.13.2.2.zip"}

A public release is planned for next week.