With pain in our heart, we have decided to cancel the planned X# Summit in Austin, March 2023.
The number of registrations so far is so low that we cannot take the financial risk of organizing the event.

We will see if we can organize an event to replace it, maybe "virtual".
We will keep you posted through this website.

Today we have released an installer (for our FOX subscribers) for XSharp Cahors which contains some fixes for problems reported with X# 2.13, and some new features.

The what's new document describing all the changes can be found here:

{rsfiles path="fox/Compiler/XSharpSetupFox2.14.0.4.zip"}

A public release is planned for the last week before Chris1mas.

On December 15 @ 16:00 CET (GMT+1) we will have another online session.
This will be an updated version of the session about .Net Next that Robert has done at our summit in Memmingen this October.


So far the most of us have created applications for the .Net Framework.
Parallel to the .Net Framework there are several other versions of .Net, for example .Net Standard, .Net Core, .Net 5, .Net 6 and .Net 7.
There were also .Net versions for other platforms, such as Mono and Xamarin.

This session tries to put these various implementations of .Net in perspective and will show you how you can use X# for these various targets.
We will also look at the X# build system and how you can create applications for these different target platforms.
There will also be a preview of the X# project System support for .Net Next (with SDK style projects).

The examples of the session can be found here:


The recording of this session can be found here:



In March 2023 we are organizing our second US event, where we would like to meet our customers and potential customers from Canada, North, Middle and South America but also from other parts of the world.
We plan to launch X# 3.03 Γαία (Gaia) at this event.

Since we are a small open source project and we have limited financial resources, we have chosen to organize this as a relatively low budget event.
We have also chosen a location in the south of the US, so developers from Middle and South America, such as Mexico, are also able to come with a reasonable travel time.

We will present the current state of the X# development and what's new in X# 3.0 and show how to migrate your existing apps from for example FoxPro and Visual Objects to .Net.
This includes an explanation of the internals of the X# compiler and runtime and how you can use the new features in the product in your apps.
We will also spend time in explaining how X# works for the various dialects that it supports.

Our partner QLAdmin from Austin has helped us to set up an event that will be both informative but also attractive.
You have the chance to meet colleagues that create applications with the same tools, as well as enjoy presentations where we will demonstrate our open source solution to help you move your applications forward towards  .Net.