Sorry, my previous reply was out of sync! Replying to this post now:
1000 constants should not be a problem. But what do you mean by constants, DEFINEs if I understand correctly?Kai wrote: The .exe depends on a large . DLL with another 12945 entities and another 1000 constants. I added a screenshot to the attachments. It is interesting that the .dll file compiles in about 5 minutes, which is still far from a minute or less, but is significantly faster than 25 minutes of the .exe file.
Many of the constants from the .dll-file are used in the .exe file and are not redefined separately in the exe file's project. Could this be a problem because the compiler needs to find the constants in an external dll-file?
Do you have a smaller library that you could send (if it''s not possible to send this large one)? Maybe a 50,000 or 100,000 line or so library that is ok to send, so we can try it in our machines and compare the compiling time in our machines, compared to yours? Just to make sure if it's something hardware related or it is a problem in the compiler.
Btw, so you are managing an app with close to a million lines of code in XIDE, that's nice to see!