Hi Robert,
(if I sound peeved, irate or belligerent, PLEASE don't take it personal, blame it on lack of sleep, Microsoft and no Axe/Firewood combination around here)
I tried to get a testrun done. XIDE (my usual playpen) did not see new functions, guess they were created after Bandol 2.2, so compile and feed to XIDE.
Downloaded .Zip from Git, unpacked into Directory on D:xSRT
Plan: Edit and compile in VStudio, copy over into Dirs for XIDE, check there
Battle with VStudio (wants new updates, refuses to load, interim XIDE debug not possible anymore...)
results in me giving up, installing VStudio and XIDE again. Debug of previous small tsts possible again.
Trying to load still fails, Project wants NetCore(? not certain anymore...) 4.6, installed 4.6.1
Modifying project leads to further errors compiling, as I cannot find the best place to fix
Delete Git/Project, install new in D;
Trying to load still fails, Project wants NetCore(? not certain anymore...) 4.6, installed 4.6.1
Installing 4.6, Project loads.
Compilation with some small problems (CURRENCY >> USUAL), Some KeyFile not on expected directory position, path D:xSRTRuntimeXSharp.VFPCommon.created, XSharp.snk dropped from D:xSRTCommon
seems to compile, moans about missing dlls in debug, dopped them in various places until no moaning anymore.
Compilation succeeds!
Copying over into
c:Program Files (x86)XSharpAssemblies
c:Program Files (x86)XSharpRedist
switching to XIDE fails to compile
Editing / Adding XSharp.VFP.xml with Just...() resolves compiler error
BUT STILL RUNTIME ERROR EITHER WITH System.String or USUAL as Parameter type.
Methode nicht gefunden: "XSharp.__Usual XSharp.VFP.Functions.JustDrive(System.String)".
Callstack :
static System.Void console.Exe.Functions.start()() : C:XIDEPrgconsole.prg : 28
Pls tell me the places I goofed off...
Changes to NtoM and MtoN in NumericFunctions.Prg to get it to compile here under VS, included in larger zip.
- Prg.zip
- (8.35 KiB) Downloaded 92 times