new compiler version 1.1

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new compiler version 1.1

Post by robert »


That is a really strange image. I have never seen that. I am not sure if this is related to our work...

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Phil Hepburn
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new compiler version 1.1

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Hi Robert,

Yes, I thought it strange too. No probs however, I will keep working and plugging away at my research for Cologne.

If I come across anything I think will help you make X# and VS integration better then I will report it back to you.

Meanwhile my Generics is going quite well. I have a couple of small issues / questions I will ask under a different thread.

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new compiler version 1.1

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Hi Robert,

I have had a good think about my issues and I have decided to try going back to version 1.02 with 1.03 upgrade.

Now I have this re-installed I will see if I go back to how things were before the weekend. If I see (with the same application in the editor etc.) that operation 'things' return to the way they were, then surely it must look as if something 'odd' has been introduced ?

I will do my best to keep you informed of anything which looks as if it will be helpful.

Onwards and upwards,
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new compiler version 1.1

Post by Chris »

Hi Phil,

Yes of course you can help more, as I said please zip and send me your modified project (after you added the code that you mentioned), so that we have a way to reproduce the problem.

About the REF param, you can specify it also in x#, and in my opinion this is the better way to do it, as it makes the code self-explainable. In Karl's sample code:

System.Array.Resize(REF a, a:Length + 3)

Unfortunately vulcan also supported the syntax without the "REF", so we had to allow it also in X#, for backwards compatibility.

Chris Pyrgas

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Phil Hepburn
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new compiler version 1.1

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Thanks Chris for this information.

On the zip side of things I will do as you ask in the morning ;-0)

I have just been working on my research and test app and have a 'wrapper' class for a 2D .NET System.Array which allows both row and column index value ranges to be virtually anything, and unlimited. This is what I will zip up for you.

Here is some sample test code and results, in case anyone is interested. I will release the Generic code later.
XBasedArrays_11.jpg (58.24 KiB) Viewed 375 times
Now then, on the issue of me reverting to version 1.02 and update 1.03, this has been done and now I have tested it for about an hour while developing. There were no issues at all - AND - all the responsiveness has returned to the X# editor - I am getting much more work done now.

I was sorry to be the bringer of 'doom' in reporting this possible issue, but if its not right then its not right. In the sort of words of Don - you know, he used to say "its done when its done!".

Best regards,
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new compiler version 1.1

Post by Chris »

Hi Phil,

Absolutely no problem for reporting a problem, on the contrary! Of course we want to know about all existing problems, so we can fix them! So yes, please send me the zipped solution when you get a chance, it will greatly help to find and fix this.

Chris Pyrgas

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Phil Hepburn
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new compiler version 1.1

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Hi Chris,

here is the zip file - AND - can you ask Robert to allow .RAR files as well ?

I have had to fiddle about while my brain is dead / tired because RAR was not in your Forum list of acceptable file types ;-(

When yo get and compile my sample, you need to run it and then try the editor at different parts of the code - start, middle end, and also comments and not comments.

I can't find a simple way to tell you have to reproduce it exactly - BUT it must have lost me at least 15 % productivity today - while waiting for small lock-ups to clear.

Things are now much better for me in VS 2015 since I went back to 1.02 & 1.03.

Cheers and good luck,
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new compiler version 1.1

Post by robert »


RAR, ARJ and 7Z are now allowed as well.
But I am sure that you or someone else will find an extension that is still missing :)

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new compiler version 1.1

Post by Chris »

Hi Phil,

Thanks for the file! Just a bit more info please, you said that the editor is locking up often, so after just clicking with the mouse in a few places this happens to you? Or do you need to be also typing code to see that? Which .prg file can you reproduce that with?

I do believe you that you are seeing this, as the guys did fix many issues with editor slow downs, but now I don't seem to be able to reproduce such a problem anymore. Just need to find out what you are doing when you get this problem..

Chris Pyrgas

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Phil Hepburn
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new compiler version 1.1

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Hi Chris,

The short term freezes or lock-ups tend to happen when I move my cursor in the editor with a mouse click. Often (but not always) when I enter a comments area.

As I said, it is difficult to get a 100% method/process to make this happen every time - BUT - try doing a compile and run, and then after completion click the cursor somewhere, once then another place etc. This is the best I can do. But now I have returned to 1.02/1.03 the VS editor seems to skip along quite nicely.

For your interest I now have discovered this error message - I think it was there with the app when I was using 1.1 version.
ErroAtStartUp_01.jpg (31.27 KiB) Viewed 375 times
Good luck in finding the freezes - the cursor seems to disappear or show as an 'i' beam, and then after nothing showing of the cursor I get the blue round circle for a few seconds.

Good Luck,
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