Workaround for VO dbServer editor crash

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Workaround for VO dbServer editor crash

Post by ic2 »

I can copy the comp.lang message of Jack Konings from 2012:

"It has been a while since I used the dbserver editor so maybe this is old news.

This morning I wanted to import the structure of a existing dbf. So I opened the dbserver editor and selected the dbf file (via the little button with the looking glass and the F on it). To my suprise VO (SP4) hangs."

Wolfgang replied that this was a known bug and will be fixed.

Of course it was never fixed. What I wonder: is there some workaround? We can pretty quickly create a database with several tools and having to do that again in VO can be quite time consuming. I may have older VO's (it used to work) on older Pc's but if there's a suitable workaround would be handier.

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Workaround for VO dbServer editor crash

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Dick,

unfortunately I don't know any workaround, or at least, I have not heared or read from anyone.

For me it has been at least 15 years that I don't use it, and in fact, I have excluded that tool from loading in my VO IDE.

Wolfgang Riedmann
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Workaround for VO dbServer editor crash

Post by robert »

For what it is worth: this works OK on my machine with VO 2.8 SP3.
Meinhard did VO 2.8 SP4. Maybe you can ask him if he can fix this?

XSharp Development Team
The Netherlands
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