Much more fun - first static printing ...

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Phil Hepburn
Posts: 743
Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:16 pm

Much more fun - first static printing ...

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Hi all Forum guys,

I just thought you may like to see my Good Morning to the Universe :-
HelloWGMU-01.jpg (74.76 KiB) Viewed 197 times
It is certainly much more fun getting going in DevExpress for "static reports" than it was back in the late 70's when we sent a handful (or two) of ASCII characters to a dot matrix printer.

The problem is that the world then was simple, and consequently manageable - now it is complex and a bit more difficult to control etc.. But it is more 'FUN' :P

Seems like we can't have it both ways - hope you are like me, and have a bundle of transferrable skills to bring to the report print design table. It would be a nightmare to try and learn everything at once.

Did anyone ever do "Aldus PageMaker" back on a 386 machine ? That was scary till you got to know it!

Best Regards,
Wales, UK.
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Phil Hepburn
Posts: 743
Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:16 pm

Much more fun - first static printing ...

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Hello again Guys of the Galaxy !

You may be interested to hear about a useful facility I discovered yesterday, with 'Static' reports using the DevExpress WPF / Reporting frameworks.

The good news is that both Frank and Fabrice have won a Golden Ticket, but as yet I can't tell them where to go to cash them in for goods or services :) ;) :P

The images attached show that we can place on the report design surface a text content control which can have a property set to 'enable' which then allows this control to be editable at report preview time. Yes, when the report is being shown or displayed, already formed. The preview can then be saved for redisplay at a later stage.

I have to confess that this is new to me - BUT - it allows such things as me entering names into a Golden Ticket report !

Check this out below :-
WWGT01.jpg (38.84 KiB) Viewed 197 times
To prove this is a live edit I have misspelled 'Little' as 'Littel' ;-0)

And then I saved the report and re-edited the text control to give Fabrice a winning ticket as well!

Here is yours Fabrice :-
WWGT11.jpg (40.28 KiB) Viewed 197 times
There is much more for me to learn about the reporting facilities within the DX tool set, it is really quite extensive, which means there is lots to show and talk about in Cologne in April.

Have a pleasant weekend, one and all.

Wales, UK.
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