Clipper 5.2 source code

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Clipper 5.2 source code

Post by Juraj »

It can compile in X # code written for Clipper 5.2? If so, does anyone have experience. How to proceed?
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Clipper 5.2 source code

Post by Chris »

Hi Juraj,

A lot of Clipper code compiles already, but there are also things like PUBLICs, MEMVARs etc that are not supported yet, those will follow later. Also there are no GUI runtime libraries for compiling existing Clipper apps in x# with them... We have started working also on those, but it will take some time to release them.

So in short, if you want to compile some small Clipper code like utilities that read and write to dbfs etc, this works already and possibly you will not need to make any changes at all to the code to compile it. But if you want to port a complete big Clipper application to x#, this will take some months before it becomes possible.

Chris Pyrgas

XSharp Development Team
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