Copiar form1.prg da visualstudio 2022 community ed. a un proggetto X#

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Copiar form1.prg da visualstudio 2022 community ed. a un proggetto X#

Post by ngpollarolo »

Ho costruito una windows form in visualstudio community ed. 2022 e voglio importarla a un proggetto lavorato in Xide: quando dico add e aggiungo il .prg, posso vedere il nuevo prg ma non riesco ad avere la form per modificarla. Che sbaglio ? o non si puo' fare ?

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Copiar form1.prg da visualstudio 2022 community ed. a un proggetto X#

Post by Chris »

Hi Giorgio ,

You can do this:

- Create a new form in your XIDE app
- Open the form in the designer and from the designer toolbar select (last item) Form designer commands -> Import from source code
- Now in the dialog select the designer.prg file of your form in Visual Studio

If the form contains only "normal" controls, it should be ported in XIDE now, but not all of the properties will be adjusted. It is also possible that there will be an error when porting, depending on the controls you use. If there's an error, if you like send me the designer.prg file and I will fix XIDE so that it accepts it well.
Chris Pyrgas

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Copiar form1.prg da visualstudio 2022 community ed. a un proggetto X#

Post by ngpollarolo »

Thank you, it worked
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