Migrating from VO 2.6 to Vulcan

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Migrating from VO 2.6 to Vulcan

Post by RobbieDexter »

Hi Members,
I am new to the Forum. I have started from dBase III, then moved to Clipper dBase Compiler, then to CA Clipper and finally to VO up to Version 2.6.
I am glad you guys to made it possible to where we are now. I need advise and help to migrate to Vulcan.Net or XSharp, whichever is better for me.
Help regarding which version (s)to buy and from which vendor. Also I need help regarding person(s) to help me through the process. Please don't mind my too many problems because I thought myself the much I know by reading books


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Re: Migrating from VO 2.6 to Vulcan

Post by FFF »

Hi Robbie,
Welcome to the forum.
First, Vulcan is dead, - nothing to buy anymore.
Second, XSharp is alive and kicking, and there is no need to buy, as it's open source. Go to the download section and get you the latest installer.
Third, there's a tool to migrate your VO code to X#, that should ease the way very much. As you come from 2.6 it will be somewhat harder than coming from 2.8, but it will be manageable, and here are wise folks (not me) for help...
Forth, with your vita, I'd think the natural way will be to use XIDE as your new IDE, written by Chris, one of dev, in x#, it comes with the download as a separate install.
(on Win8.1/64, Xide32 2.20, X#
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Re: Migrating from VO 2.6 to Vulcan

Post by Chris »

Hi Robbie,

Welcome here! Some suggestions:

- I assume you are new not only to X#, but also to .Net in general. If that's the case, it's better to first spend some time familiarizing yourself with it, with X# and with the new IDE(s) you will be using, because if you attempt to port your app with zero experience in X#, it will look like a mountain to climb. I'd suggest first creating a standard MDI app (from a template, like in VO), experiment with it, add a few windows, write some code etc, like you did when you started using VO.

- Regarding the VO 2.6 version, as Karl said it would be easier if you had moved to VO 2.8 first, but we have ported apps even from VO 2.5b3, so it's not mandatory.

- Please make sure you read carefully all the topics regarding porting apps from VO in the documentation here: https://www.xsharp.eu/help/migratingappsfromvotox.html We have also created a couple tutorial videos about the process, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yduay2fc-nE and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-zhcsYuas8

- Depending on what 3rd party products (like bBrowser, Report Pro etc) your app uses (if any), you will need to purchase their X# versions, we can guide you on that.

- Please ask here for any help, suggestions and clarifications you may need!

- If you'd like to support the X# project, please subscribe to the FOX program here: https://www.xsharp.eu/store. This will also get you a faster compiler, more support directly from the devteam members and quick fixes for problems you may find.

- If you need someone else to do the port for you, please ask and we can make an arrangements on this, we (X# team) have already made several ports of VO apps. There are also a lot of members of this forum who have a lot of experience with this.

Hope you will enjoy working with X#!
Chris Pyrgas

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Re: Migrating from VO 2.6 to Vulcan

Post by ic2 »

Hello Robbie,
FFF wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 11:12 pm and here are wise folks (not me) for help...
Please disregard the italic part of Karl's remark :)

He has posted very useful things here over the years.

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Re: Migrating from VO 2.6 to Vulcan

Post by FFF »

you flatter me, but you're probably confusing me with the other Karls here, (whom I very much count among the wise ones...)
(on Win8.1/64, Xide32 2.20, X#
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Re: Migrating from VO 2.6 to Vulcan

Post by ic2 »

Hello Karl,

No, no confusion here, unless all the other Karl's also use FFF :D

Your posts are often helpful, both questions and answers.

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Re: Migrating from VO 2.6 to Vulcan

Post by RobbieDexter »

Getting to start learning with XSharp and migrating from VO 2.6
I have downloaded both:
Public installer 385.49 KB
But there is no Autorun or .exe file to commence installation. How else can I install?

On the issue of migration, my VO apps include a third party Library called Vocab (useful for report writing). XSharp version of it is not available even if the vendor is still around. However, the Library can optionally be converted to a DLL. How will it affect my migration.


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Re: Migrating from VO 2.6 to Vulcan

Post by Chris »

Hi Robbie,

The installed zip file contains an installer as an .exe, you just need to simply run that.

Regarding the third party library, do you have the source code of it? If yes, maybe it's not difficult to convert it to X# also. Or is it a library not written in VO? In that case, yes, it can probably be used as a dll and call functionality from it directly.
Chris Pyrgas

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Re: Migrating from VO 2.6 to Vulcan

Post by RobbieDexter »

Thanks to Chris(at)sharp.eu
I have checked the download and only four (4) files ane thw XIDE_plunis... are included. There is no an.exe file at all
What next or what have I done wrong

Thanks again members

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Re: Migrating from VO 2.6 to Vulcan

Post by Jamal »

Hi Robbie,

I think you need to copy the .dll files of the plugins into the Plugins folder in the XIDE installation directory, then restart XIDE.
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