EF6 and ADS ADO.Net provider

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EF6 and ADS ADO.Net provider

Post by baramuse »

Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone had any experience with EF6 and the provider of ADS (which is, I think, only for EF5 but who knows..)
We're trying to move away from DBF/CDX DbServer and maybe a step would be to start using ADS client (even local and DBF/CDX) to leverage SQL syntax, ORM and other sweeties.
I've already had some success using dapper with ADS ADO.net provider but I'd like to go a little further and have LINQ2SQL working.
It's working for simple queries but as soon as I use parameters in queries, it errors as the generated syntax is SQLSERVER oriented..

Otherwise we'll have to wait for the SQLRDD, migrate our data in SQL not changing the DbServer access style and then gently move to ORM/SQL for futur developements/improvements.

Best regards.
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