Beginners Example

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Beginners Example

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Joe,
I cannot immagine that notebook users with 2800x1440 pixel screens are not using large fonts..... When installing Windows on a new 15" 1920x1080 notebook, large fonts are set by default.
Maybe the problem is you VO application that is using the "pixel positions" setting on "yes" in all Windows?
I have started several years ago to change that, and my VO applications are working very well even on large fonts.
But it is another trend of the last years to have very large fonts on web pages and applications to hide missing content. I cannot do that with my applications because I have many informations to show.
Wolfgang Riedmann
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Beginners Example

Post by Chris »

OhioJoe wrote: The major accounting applications and MS Office seem to have solved this problem. So that would account for a majority of software that users have installed on their PCs and Macs.
In what way have they solved this problem? Do you mean they are using larger menu fonts indeed than your app?
Chris Pyrgas

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Beginners Example

Post by OhioJoe »

Chris: I assume they've instituted scalable controls.
Wolfgang: The pixel position setting has always been set to Auto

Since I'm the only one presenting this problem, I think we should drop this subject unless/until we hear from others. Don't want to waste anyone's time.

Wolfgang, I do thank you for the sample. I will implement your example and show what I've done to scale the size of the grid.
Joe Curran
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Beginners Example

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Joe,
in one of my VO applications that has many ListViews I have implemented the possibility to resize the character size of the ListView control using the mouse wheel (and that works also on a touch screen).
And I have a Window class that changes the control sizes and font sizes when zooming it in or out (I'm using this for a cashier screen).
All that is done with the "normal" VO GUI classes in VO applications.
Wolfgang Riedmann
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Beginners Example

Post by Chris »

Hi Joe,

You are not wasting anyone's time, this is an interesting discussion! I am just puzzled about why do your users not want to set the system font size to an acceptable level. I recently bought a very large monitor and if I use the 100% system font setting, then the text in all my (not VO or X# ones) apps are so tiny that it is completely unreadable. So I just change the setting to a good enough value (175%), and all my apps look fine! Leaving it to 100% would had been completely unworkable for me, in all apps that I am using...
Chris Pyrgas

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Beginners Example

Post by TerryB1 »


I hope that I am not wasting your time here, the important thing is that the points raised have "nudged" you into a way of "seeing" a solution for yourself.

But you did pose the question "how did they do it in MS Office Applications"?

Exactly how I do not know. There is no single RIGHT way.

But consider this:

Behind the scenes the result is a projection of something meaningful (to humans) on to a 2-Dimensional screen. Whether by written word (various Fonts), diagram, or by screen rendered photograph (JPEG) or indeed any mix of these.

So what is the source of this "something meaningful"? In addition to the obvious (our own desciptions of objects) it can include ideas in our own minds. (Think now of a Picasso Painting or The Scream).

It makes no difference as to how this translation to screen is achieved. Thus WPF and Vector Graphics, WinForms, Browser Input, all end up the same way.

Vector representation and so on, simply makes things easier for us to understand.

When it comes to the fundamentals of what is being done it comes down to mathematics. Essentially Matrix manipulation. If you look directly at you screen center you can easily imagine left/right or up/down movement and scaling.

There is too, a third dimension. Essentially with a small screen this is effectively zero. But move off-centre or for a very large sceen it becomes significant. Again it is down to 3-D matrix manipulation.

None of this is difficult in itself, but it does take significant time to learn and "sink in", when that time could be better used elsewhere.

MS has the resources, time and skills to address such aspects in fine detail. But both in WinForms and System.Windows they have bypassed the need for application developers to think to such levels of detail.

Hope that makes some sense.

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Beginners Example

Post by Adrian »

Hello, I do not know where to start to write some serial communication routines in X# ( COM1:, COM2:, etc.). I did not find any documentation about it. Please show the direction where to search. Thank you very much!
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Beginners Example

Post by Fabrice »

Hi Adrian,

I've replied you in another topic : ... rt-example

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