sqlexec parameters input / output

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sqlexec parameters input / output

Post by jpmoschi »

good morning Forum
In FoxPro you can pass parameters in a sqlexec function like the next example cutted and pasted from VFP9 help on line.

Are there any equivalent support in xsharp? I recognice that it's related with sql driver and all are diferents but particulary is usefull in sql server.

Code: Select all

  * Execute stored procedure with an INPUT parameter.
   SQLEXEC(m.lnConn, 'exec byroyalty ?lnPercent','HalfOffAuthors')
   * Create temp stored procedure with OUTPUT parameter and call it.
   SQLEXEC(m.lnConn, "CREATE PROCEDURE #MyProc @outparam int OUTPUT AS;
      SELECT @outparam=100")
   SQLEXEC(m.lnConn, "exec #myProc ?@lnOutput")
   ? m.lnOutput
   * Create a temp stored procedure with INPUT and OUTPUT parameters 
   * and call it.
    SQLEXEC(m.lnConn, "CREATE PROCEDURE #MyProc2 " + ;
                      "@inputparam INT, " + ;
                      "@outparam int OUTPUT " + ;
                      "AS SET @outparam=@inputparam*10")
    SQLEXEC(m.lnConn, "exec #myProc2 ?lnPercent, ?@lnOutput")
    ? m.lnOutput

You can do something like this too:

Code: Select all

sqlexec(x, "select * from table where key= ?(LocalAlias.field)")
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sqlexec parameters input / output

Post by robert »

I have worked on this, but I am not sure how far this is at this moment.
One of the challenge here is that the variable names lnOutPut and lnPercent are "hidden" inside the strings.
If these variables are of type LOCAL then they are normally "hidden" to the SqlExec() function. If they are Memory variables (public / private) or fields then they could be seen by SqlExec().
We have added a mechanism to the runtime so it can access locals inside functions such as Type().
SqlExec() has also been marked with this special attribute, so it should see the parameters,
I know that inside SqlExec() the code checks for the '?' and '@' characters to detect parameters and ref/out modifiers.
I have not recently tested this, so I am not sure if it does exactly what you expect.
I'll have a look at this asap.

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sqlexec parameters input / output

Post by jpmoschi »

Robert, i am reading now your comments in https://www.xsharp.eu/forum/public-vfp/ ... port#16751 because it is related with this reply.
We need to have the FoxPro visibility and the parameters inside a query string passed to SqlExec. This is one of the main reasons.
FoxPro, inside a Function, Method or Procedure can get or assign values to declared variables in any moment. The only condition is the visibility expressed by:
  • public
  • privates in all the call stack
  • parameters in all the call stack. This hide variables declared in the call stack
  • locals in the actual procedure, function or method
  • fields: I put it here because this is a particular case of any object reference declared in the call stack or in current workarea or in any otherarea like Alias.field or Alias->field
Verbatim quote from FoxPro's Help Online
Private command Remarks
Items within VarList are separated by commas. The hiding of variables created in higher-level programs enables variables of the same name as the private variables to be manipulated in the current program without affecting the values of the hidden variables. Once the program containing PRIVATE has completed execution, all variables and arrays that were declared private are again available.

PRIVATE doesn't create variables; it simply hides variables declared in higher-level programs from the current program.

Local command Remarks
You can use and modify local variables and variable arrays only within the procedure or function in which they are created and cannot be accessed by higher or lower-level programs. After the procedure or function containing the local variables and arrays completes execution, local variables and arrays are released.
Variables and arrays created with LOCAL are initialized to False (.F.).
You must declare any variables or arrays that you want local prior to assigning values to them. If you assign a value to a variable or array in a program and later declare it as local using LOCAL, Visual FoxPro generates a syntax error.
You can pass local variables by reference.

Variable Declaration
You can compare how variable declaration differs between Visual FoxPro and other programming languages. In Visual FoxPro, you do not assign a data type to a variable. However, it is recommended that you name your variable with a prefix suggesting the data type you plan to use it with. Other languages require that you assign a data type to a variable when you declare it. For more information, see Variable Naming Conventions.

Note:When you store a value to a variable and the variable does not exist, Visual FoxPro implicitly declares it with PRIVATE scope. Other languages that require explicit declaration of variables return an error. To create variables in Visual FoxPro with PUBLIC or LOCAL scope, you must explicitly declare them with the PUBLIC or LOCAL command. For more information, see PUBLIC Command and LOCAL Command.

Visual FoxPro
Variables are implicitly declared with no data typing.
Variables can be implicitly declared, and the variable name dictates data type.
Variables must be explicitly declared and assigned a data type.
Variables must be explicitly declared and assigned a data type.
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sqlexec parameters input / output

Post by robert »


We are aware of this.
The biggest problem with the way FoxPro works is that it treats its own functions (like Type(), SQLExec()) different from functions created by others. The native FoxPro functions can access local variables.
This is VERY different from other environments.
At this moment we have implemented a way to emulate that in .Net by marking a function that needs access to local variables with a special attribute.
The attribute is declare here:
https://github.com/X-Sharp/XSharpPublic ... s.prg#L167

You can see that SqlExec() has already been decorated with this attribute:
https://github.com/X-Sharp/XSharpPublic ... s.prg#L101

When the compiler detects a call to a method that "needs access to locals" it will add some special code that will register the local variables in the calling function/method in a list inside the runtime (name/value pairs).
If the function can update the local variables (such as the SQLExec() function can for parameters passed by reference) then after the function call the compiler will insert code check if any variables were updated. When this is the case then all the locals that were registered will be updated from the list inside the runtime.
Finally the list will be cleared.

Inside the code that "needs access" the local will be accessible the same way that publics and privates are accessed. This works well.

You can see the functions that handle this in:
https://github.com/X-Sharp/XSharpPublic ... t.prg#L407

Please note that the comments about the /fox2 command line option are no longer valid. The compiler does not need this option anymore. At this moment when it detects a method/function with the attribute it will automatically do this when the /memvar compiler option is enabled

The locals are registered in a special collection inside the same class where memory variables are stored:
https://github.com/X-Sharp/XSharpPublic ... MemVar.prg.

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sqlexec parameters input / output

Post by jpmoschi »

thanks Robert,
The attribute NeedAccessToLocals could not be enough . We need access to all variables. This is different to another languages and is most important. I abandon the initial question because if you can resolve the next comment i will resolve the sqlexec problem with another solution used to interact with Oracle that not support parameters like anothers

In FoxPro Environment there is something like a Table with 4 attributes with a max capability of MVCOUNT (a config number parameter <= 65000)
  • VariableName,
  • VariabieVisibility,
  • VariableValue,
  • CallStack creation id
The variable are created in yours first assign action. The initial value of not assigned variables is by default .f.
The variable visibility declaration only create the variable name and if a variable hasn't declared visibility (private, public or local) the default visibility is private.
Ussing a bit of imagination, FoxPro does somethink like this
The Public callstack id is the first id, ej 1.
The private callstack id is the id who has private command declaration (resolved in Execution time flow )
The locals is similar to another but it is in the table with a particular id example different for each procedure
Then, Inside a procedure, function or method you can see variable names with the condition
CallStack Id <= the procedure Callstack id or has local id especific
Next a POC with a bug: parameter by ref not change private or public variables

Code: Select all

USING System
USING System.Collections.Generic
USING System.Text

FUNCTION CodeFile1 (p1, p2)
    local lresult  
    private mresult
    public _result
    LOCAL localvar1, localvar2
    PRIVATE privatevar1, privatevar2
    PUBLIC publicvar1, publicvar2
    publicvar1= "p1"
    publicvar2:= "p2"
    STORE 'a' TO privatevar1
    privatevar2:= 'b'  + 'c'   
    localvar1:= 12
    localvar2:= 4
    &namevar.:= custom{}
    ? "Test macrosubstitution object assign ", Type(namevar) , iif(Type(namevar)="O", "Ok", "Fail")
    &namevar.:= 6         
    ? "Test macrosubstitution assign ",  localvar1, iif(localvar1= 6, "Ok", "Fail li must be change Before 12 After 6")  
    lresult:= false             
    lresult:= "asdf"            
    lresult:= datetime()        
    lresult:= 1                 
    store .f. to lresult, mresult, _result 
    //call 1
    prueba ("localvar1",localvar1,localvar2,@lresult )       
    ? "Test local variable changed ina a procedure by ref with @" , "lresult=", lresult, "Type(""lresult"")="+Type("lresult"), iif(Type("lresult")="N" and lresult=10, "OK", "Fail ""lresult"" must be changed to 10")
    // call 2
    prueba ("privatevar1",privatevar1,privatevar2,ref mresult ) 
    ? "Test private variable changed in a procedure by ref"      , "mresult=", mresult, "Type(""mresult"")="+Type("mresult"), iif(Type("mresult")="C" and mresult="abc" , "OK", "Fail ""mresult"" must be changed to ""abc"" ")
    // call 3 
    prueba ("publicvar1",publicvar1,publicvar2,@_result )    
    ? "Test public variable changed in a procedure by ref with @", "_result=", _result, "Type(""_result"")="+Type("_result"), iif(Type("_result")= "C" and _result="p1p2", "OK", "Fail ""_result"" must be ""p1p2"", not change in line before ")
procedure prueba (pVarId,p1, p2, pout ref usual  )
  pout:= p1 + p2
  ? "Test visibility of variable " + pVarId + " inside a procedure" , iif(Type(pVarId)="U"," is not visible",  "is visible" )
The output is
Hello World! Today is 14/06/2021
Test macrosubstitution object assign O Ok
Test macrosubstitution assign 6 Ok
Test visibility of variable localvar1 inside a procedure is not visible
Test local variable changed ina a procedure by ref with @ lresult= 10 Type("lresult")=N OK
Test visibility of variable privatevar1 inside a procedure is visible
Test private variable changed in a procedure by ref mresult= .F. Type("mresult")=L Fail "mresult" must be changed to "abc"
Test visibility of variable publicvar1 inside a procedure is visible
Test public variable changed in a procedure by ref with @ _result= .F. Type("_result")=L Fail "_result" must be "p1p2", not change in line before
Press any key to continue...
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sqlexec parameters input / output

Post by robert »

The private and public passed by reference should have been updated. This is a compiler bug.

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The Netherlands
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sqlexec parameters input / output

Post by jpmoschi »

Robert, another comment related with the visibility of variables that complement my last reply: parameters of procedures or functions are visible too in a procedure called. It must be trated like privates variables in a called procedure. They are visibles in FoxPro

Code: Select all

USING System
USING System.Collections.Generic
USING System.Text

procedure parameter_visibility_in_called_procedure AS VOID
    calledProcedure("value parameter1", "value Parameter2")
 Procedure calledProcedure(param1, param2) 
   Procedure calledProcedure2
        ? param1      >>>>>> this two lines produce XSharp.Error: 'Variable does not exist'
        ? param2
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sqlexec parameters input / output

Post by mainhatten »

passing parameters inside function brackets is equivalent to LPararameter, not Parameter
From vfp9 help on function:

Creates a user-defined function in a program file. There are two versions of the syntax.
FUNCTION FunctionName
[ LPARAMETERS parameter1 [ ,parameter2 ] , ... ]
[ RETURN [ eExpression ] ]

FUNCTION FunctionName( [ parameter1 [ AS para1type ][ ,parameter2 [ AS para2type ] ],...] ) [ AS returntype ]
[ RETURN [ eExpression ] ]

FUNCTION FunctionName
Designates the beginning of a user-defined function and specifies the name of the function. FunctionName can contain up to 254 characters.

[ LPARAMETERS parameter1 [, parameter2] , ... ]
Assigns data from the calling program to local variables or arrays. You can also use the PARAMETERS keyword instead of LPARAMETERS to accept privately scoped parameters. You can pass a maximum of 26 parameters to a function.

For more information, see LPARAMETERS Command and PARAMETERS Command.

( [ parameter1[ AS para1type][ , parameter2[ AS para2type] ],...] )
Assigns data from the calling program to local variables or arrays. You can use the AS para1type clause to specify the data type of the variable.

Including the parameters inside parentheses (()) immediately following the function name indicates that the parameters are locally scoped to the function.

run in vfp

Code: Select all

lc1 = "test"
= withPara(lc1)
= inBrackets (lc1)

FUNCTION InBrackets ( tc1)
 = testPara()

 = testPara()

? tc1
jpmoschi wrote:Robert, another comment related with the visibility of variables that complement my last reply: parameters of procedures or functions are visible too in a procedure called. It must be trated like privates variables in a called procedure. They are visibles in FoxPro

Code: Select all

USING System
USING System.Collections.Generic
USING System.Text

procedure parameter_visibility_in_called_procedure AS VOID
    calledProcedure("value parameter1", "value Parameter2")
 Procedure calledProcedure(param1, param2) 
   Procedure calledProcedure2
        ? param1      >>>>>> this two lines produce XSharp.Error: 'Variable does not exist'
        ? param2
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sqlexec parameters input / output

Post by Karl-Heinz »

Hi Juan,

i think the X# behaviour is correct.. when i use the PARAMETERS command param1 and param2 are privates, so they are visible inside the Call2 procedure. But when i use the LPARAMETERS command instead, param1 and param2 are locals, so they are not visible inside the call2 procedure.

param1 and param2 are also locals if such a Procedure/Function header is used

PROCEDURE call1 ( param1 , param2 )


Code: Select all

DO call1 WITH "value parameter1", "value Parameter2"
// =call1 ( "value parameter1", "value Parameter2" )


// PROCEDURE call1 ( param1 , param2 )  // param1, param2 are locals
PARAMETERS param1, param2 
// LPARAMETERS param1, param2

	? param1
    ? param2 

    DO call2
	// =Call2()



	? param1  
	? param2

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sqlexec parameters input / output

Post by jpmoschi »

Rober, the next program is an *SQLEXEC proof of concept with the intention to help proggress with SQLEXEC FoxPro function with parameters referred from memory environment variables with "?"
This test creates an stored procedure called sp_jpmoschi_xsharptest with input and output parameters
When it run In xsharp i can find the next errors:
1st error: TEXT ENDTEXT remove spaces at the end of the line . It is an error less important than the next because you can omit pretext clause
2nd error: the parameter identified by ? are not recognised. Of course this is the most important error
3th : when the after mentioned error where solved the next step is verify the output parameter resolution. But i recognise that a programmer can resolve this situation with 2 or 3 lines of code

Code: Select all

     PRIVATE _handle
     STORE SqlConnect("Any DataBase MSSQLSERVER") to _handle
    mvarParam= 123
    if sqlexec_with_parameters(@mvarParam)== (mvarParam * mvarParam)
        ? "End sqlExec Test"
    ? SQLDISCONNECT(_handle)

procedure SQLEXEC_WITH_PARAMETERS (pvarParam ) 
     ? "begin SqlExec test"        
     if _handle<0
        ??">>> Fail not connected "
        return -1
     set console off 
     local scriptSP, scriptDropSP
     && Error in Xsharp Text ... EndText has an small bug: remove spaces at the end of the line
     text to scriptDropSP NOSHOW  pretext 1+2+4+8
        IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM SYSOBJECTS WHERE NAME = 'sp_jpmoschi_XSharpTest' ) 
           DROP PROCEDURE dbo.sp_jpmoschi_XSharpTest
           select @@error
     text to scriptSP NOSHOW pretext 1+2+4+8
        CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_jpmoschi_XSharpTest]( @pInt Int, @pfloat float, @pDateTime as datetime, @pChar as char(16), @pMemo as varchar(max),@outParam int=0 output, @outTextParam char(200)=' ' output ) AS
			DECLARE @r int
            set @outParam = @pInt * @pInt
            SET @r= @@error
            SET @outTextParam= CAST(@r as char(10))
            if @r<> 0 begin
               SET @outTextParam= 'error in sp_xsharpTest:' + @outTextParam 
               RaisError (@outTextParam, 16, 1)
               if @pfloat= 123456.12345678
                  set @outTextParam= 'OK'
                  set @outTextParam= 'error float type ' + CAST(@pfloat as char(30))
     if SqlExec(_handle, scriptDropSP)>0
        if SqlExec(_handle, scriptSP)>0   && Important Error in XSharp: Does not recognize the parameters identified with the question mark
           private mSPOutputInt, mSPOutText
		   private mfloat
		   private mDateTime
            mDateTime= DateTime() 
           private mVar
           mvar= "ÌNPUT CHAR VALUE"
           private mLongVar
           mLongVar= replicate('long long really long string variable', 1000) 
           ? "Test SqlExec with ?parameters "
           if SqlExec(_handle, "select ?pvarParam + 1 as result, 123456.12345678 as precisionNumber", "sqlresult")< 0
               ?? ">>> Fail "
                if sqlresult.Result= 124
                    ? ">>>> OK" 
                    mfloat= precisionNumber
                    ? ">>>> FAIL"
           ? "Test call sp with in/out parameters" 
           mSPOutInt= -1
           if sqlexec(_handle, "{call dbo.sp_jpmoschi_XSharpTest( ?pvarParam, ?mfloat, ?mDateTime, ?mVar, ?mLongVar,  ?@mSPOutInt, ?@mSPOutText  ) }")<=0
              ?? ">>> Fail"
              IF mSPOutInt= 123  * 123
                 ?? ">>> " + mSPOutText
                 ?? ">>> Fail ", "mSPOutInt=", mSPOutInt, "mSPOutText=", mSPOutText
              mSPOutText= "init value"
              ? "Test call sp with forced ERROR(numeric overflow ) "
              if sqlexec(_handle, "{call dbo.sp_jpmoschi_XSharpTest( 99999999, ?mfloat, ?mDateTime, ?mVar, ?mLongVar, ?@mSPOutInt, ?@mSPOutText) }")<=0
                 ?? ">>> OK", "mSPOutInt=", mSPOutInt, "mSPOutText=", mSPOutText
                  ??">>> Fail, can't by ok", "mSPOutInt=", mSPOutInt, "mSPOutText=", mSPOutText
            ? ">>>Fail sp create  "
        ? ">>>Fail sp drop only one argument  "
     RETURN pvarparam * pvarparam     
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