Toolbar Issues in X#2.8

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Toolbar Issues in X#2.8

Post by KarlW »


I'm having some difficulty with toolbars in X#2.8. In VO and X# 2.7 I was able to manually create a toolbar and assign it to the window. With this approach I could define a custom toolbar without the need for a visible menu meaning if I had a window where I just required a few toolbar buttons I could produce a visually cleaner looking UI.

The approach worked as follows

1) Create a menu and assign it to the window oMenu in the window Postinit. This allowed me to access the menu defined method calls.

SELF:oMenu := CustomerEditMenu

2) Manually create a toolbar using the constants from the menu to attach to the desired methods

oTB := Toolbar{}
//oTB:Bitmap := HDStandardRibbon{}
oTB:ButtonSize := Dimension{32, 32}
oTB:Flat := TRUE

oTB:AppendItem(01, IDM_CustomerEditMenu_Close_ID , , , "Close")
oTB:AddTipText(01, IDM_CustomerEditMenu_Close_ID , "Save changes and close")

oTB:AppendItem(02, IDM_CustomerEditMenu_Save_ID , , , "Save")
oTB:AddTipText(02, IDM_CustomerEditMenu_Save_ID , "Save changes and continue")

3) Assign this to the window

SELF:ToolBar := oTB

This approach works in VO and in X# 2.7 but not now in X# 2.8. It appears that I cannot assign an instance of a toolbar to the SELF:Toolbar of the DataWindow in question. In fact while in debug in Visual Studio 2019 a watch variable on SELF:Toolbar returns

error CS1061: 'CustEditWindow' does not contain a definition for 'Toolbar' and no accessible extension method 'Toolbar' accepting a first argument of type 'CustEditWindow' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

If I try to simply initialise the toolbar as below

SELF:Toolbar := Toolbar{}

It's value stays at NIL

Has something changed? Can the toolbar now only be created/assigned through the menu?

I have quite a few windows in this app and a larger one I'm hoping to migrate from VO later this year that use the same approach.


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Toolbar Issues in X#2.8

Post by robert »


As far as I know we did not change anything in this area.
Maybe the problem lies in the fact that the code of the toolbar class does not call the super constructor:

Code: Select all

IF IsNil(oOwner)
		// ToolBar is being created without a parent; don't call super:Init()
		RegisterAxit(SELF) // TODO: Conditional call to RegisterAxit() should be replaced with call to GC.SuppressFinalize() for opposite condition 
		oOrigin 	:= Point{oPoint:X, oPoint:Y}
		oSize 	:= Dimension{oDimension:Width, oDimension:Height}
		// ToolBar is being created with a parent, calling super:Init() is safe
		SUPER(oOwner, xID, oPoint, oDimension, TOOLBARCLASSNAME)
This is a highly unusual thing and may have side effects.

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Toolbar Issues in X#2.8

Post by Chris »

Hi Karl,

Is the error message indeed "CS1061"? This name suggests that the error is coming from c#, not X#. Maybe you have a c# test app in the solution and the error comes when trying to build this test app and not the X# app?
Chris Pyrgas

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Toolbar Issues in X#2.8

Post by KarlW »

Hi Robert

Supplying the owner doesn't seem to make any difference. I supplied the owner and then reduced the toolbar items to a single button and the result was the same.

If i reduce everything to the most simple form

SELF:ToolBar := Toolbar{SELF}

the window toolbar still has a value of NIL, I've attached a screen shot of the watch area of Visual Studio.
SELF-Toolbar value.png
SELF-Toolbar value.png (82.25 KiB) Viewed 394 times
It just doesn't seem like I can manually initialise SELF:Toolbar for the window


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Toolbar Issues in X#2.8

Post by KarlW »

Morning Chris

The 'CS1061' isn't received at compile time, it's the result I see in the Visual Studio watch list if I set a watch item for SELF:Toolbar.

What is strange is that if I set a watch on SELF and then expand the result this does show a result, however it never changes from NIL whatever I do.

The attached screen grab may illustrate what I mean more clearly.
Toolbat watch items.png
Toolbat watch items.png (41.74 KiB) Viewed 394 times
I don't know if any of this is relevant to the real issue of not being able to set the toolbar but it looked odd so I mentioned it.


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Toolbar Issues in X#2.8

Post by Chris »

Hi Karl,

Ah, OK, thanks for explaining, I understand now! Can you please create and post a sample reproducing the problem, so we can look closely into this and fix it? I think the best way is to start with the standard MDI sample in VO, add the same code that you have in your real app regarding toolbars etc, then port it to X# and see if the problem still happens in 2.8. If it does, please just post the VO .aef file, it will be enough for us to make the same tests.
Chris Pyrgas

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Toolbar Issues in X#2.8

Post by robert »


The error message for the Watch window happens because the name of the property is ToolBar (with a capital B ) and we are using the C# Watch window support here. That is also why you see the CS1061 error number here.

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Toolbar Issues in X#2.8

Post by KarlW »

Hi Robert

Doh! Of course it is, now you've pointed that out it's obvious :-(


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Toolbar Issues in X#2.8

Post by KarlW »

Well it looks like it's something solely in one window.

I produced a sample in VO but yes you've guessed it when I imported it to X# 2.8 it worked as intended.

I then went on to add the same test menu/window that I'd created for the sample direct into the app code and again it worked as intended.

Due to a previous issue I was dealing with I'd disabled a large portion of my code, well I went back to that so that I could look at other windows which use the same mechanism. Again the approach works as intended.

This leaves me with it being something specific to just that one window. At the moment I still have no idea what but I'll attempt re-creating the window from scratch and see what that does.

Thanks for the assistance, it's nudged me in the right direction and hopefully I'll have some sort of fix before too long.

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