Compile to One_Big.exe

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Compile to One_Big.exe

Post by Chris »

Hi Joe,

What warnings are they? Maybe multiple defined functions/methods?
Chris Pyrgas

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Compile to One_Big.exe

Post by OhioJoe »

Chris, here are the more frequent warnings, all of which did not appear then I was compiling the several XPorter-converted applications

warning XS9032: This entity type cannot return a value. Return value ignored

LOCAL strucSelfPtr AS StructureSelf
strucSelfPtr := MemAlloc(_SIZEOF(SelfPtr))
strucSelfPtr.PtrSelf := GCHandle.ToIntPtr( GCHandle.Alloc( SELF ) )
ptrSelfPtr := strucSelfPtr
RETURN SELF // this is the line refererenced by the error

warning XS0165: Use of unassigned local variable 'nReturn'

LOCAL nReturn as int
CASE nSpot = 1
nReturn := 200
CASE nSpot = 2
nReturn = 400
RETURN nReturn // this is the line referenced by the error

I'm guessing the compiler doesn't like conditionally-assigned variables

And I have several of these:

warning XS0618: 'XSharp.RT.Functions.InCollect()' is obsolete: ''InCollect()' is not supported'

Here's a place where we close all the globally-opened files and close them before running a process that requires exclusive use

oXGlobalFiles := XGlobalFiles{}
IF ! InCollect() /// this is he line referenced by the error
oXGlobalFiles := NULL_OBJECT

Thank you, Chris
Joe Curran
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Compile to One_Big.exe

Post by robert »

VOXPorter has added some warning numbers to the list of warnings that should be ignored.
Most likely you did not copy these warning numbers to your new "Big Exe" app.

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Compile to One_Big.exe

Post by Chris »

Hi Joe,

As Robert said, that's because the original project had some warnings disabled. To add them tot eh new one, please go to the old one, go to application properties, Compiler tab page and copy the values found in the first large edit box, then paste this text to the same box in the new big app properties.

But regarding this one:
OhioJoe wrote: warning XS0165: Use of unassigned local variable 'nReturn'

LOCAL nReturn as int
CASE nSpot = 1
nReturn := 200
CASE nSpot = 2
nReturn = 400
RETURN nReturn // this is the line referenced by the error

I'm guessing the compiler doesn't like conditionally-assigned variables
the compiler warns you that the variable _might_ have not been assigned. In case nSpot has neither the value of 1 or 2, then nReturn is indeed not assigned a value.
Chris Pyrgas

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Compile to One_Big.exe

Post by OhioJoe »

Thank you, Chris and Robert. Eventually I will clean up everything but starting tomorrow I'll post the "big_exe" on the website and server, where it will be accessible to dozens of organizations; I've done enough testing to have confidence in the conversion. Congratulations, guys!
Joe Curran
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Compile to One_Big.exe

Post by Chris »

Hi Joe,

That's great to hear, thanks for telling s about it! What kind of application is it, if you don't mind talking about it?
Chris Pyrgas

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Compile to One_Big.exe

Post by OhioJoe »

Chris, since you asked ... :)

The main application, Filpac has been used by about 300 political campaigns, trade associations and Political Action Committees in the US. It's basically a CRM for public committees, with specialized fund-accounting features to help organizations comply with the myriad of Federal and state rules.

I've also used the controls originally developed for the Filpac application to create solutions for the trucking and utility-contractor industries. A couple of years ago we tried developing a medical app but we couldn't find reliable development help. So now I'm thinking of a collaboration. In the US there's room for a solid, reasonably-priced medical app.

It all started in Clipper. There's still at least one fairly sizable company (200 paychecks) deploying an unsupported instance of Server 2003 so they can continue to use our old Clipper app, which includes one DBF that's grown to at least 4 million records. For me the lesson is that customers value things that work. As the saying goes: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

Lots of opportunities in this country for those who can deliver quality and reliability. (And figure out how to sell it.)
Joe Curran
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Compile to One_Big.exe

Post by Chris »

Hi Joe,

Thanks for letting us know! As you imagine, it's great pleasure to hear of systems written or ported in X# being very successful! Wish you all the best for your current and future applications!
Chris Pyrgas

XSharp Development Team
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