[Xide 1.24] DBServer / FldSpec tpl where?

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[Xide 1.24] DBServer / FldSpec tpl where?

Post by FFF »

just noticed, that you generate a

Code: Select all

#include "VOSystemLibrary.vh"
#include "VOSystemClasses.vh"
at the top of a generated DbServer file, which triggers a warning. Wanted to remove the fautly entry, but found, i have no clue, where it is ;)
Similiar, the generated Assigns still follow the VO way returning the fieldvalue, - another warning... In the code, the Assigns are listed last in the Servercode prg, but this is no part of CavoDeD.tpl.

Probably i should know, where to look, but the old wetware...
(on Win8.1/64, Xide32 2.20, X#
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[Xide 1.24] DBServer / FldSpec tpl where?

Post by Chris »

Hi Karl,

Thanks for the reports! The includes to .vh files are hardcoded in the code, had completely forgot about them! Will remove them now.

About the ACCESS/ASSIGNS, for some bizarre reason, those templates are included in CAVOFED.TPL, not in cavoded!
Chris Pyrgas

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[Xide 1.24] DBServer / FldSpec tpl where?

Post by FFF »

Chris wrote:Thanks for the reports! The includes to .vh files are hardcoded in the code, had completely forgot about them! Will remove them now.
About the ACCESS/ASSIGNS, for some bizarre reason, those templates are included in CAVOFED.TPL, not in cavoded!
;) Fine.
Re ACC/ASS - found them, removed the Return Self:Fieldput clause.
Litte question: i have no /vo 9 set, i.e., missing Returns should trigger a warning - but i didn't get one. Thinking about, i changed the tpl again adding an "empty" Return, but wonder, if there is any advantage doing so...
(on Win8.1/64, Xide32 2.20, X#
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[Xide 1.24] DBServer / FldSpec tpl where?

Post by Chris »

Hi Karl,

That's for functions/methods that actually should return something, for example you can omit the return in this, if you enable /vo9 :


No idea why VO allowed such things in the first place...
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[Xide 1.24] DBServer / FldSpec tpl where?

Post by FFF »

sorry to bother again, but i wonder: All of a sudden i can't enter a value bigger than 99.99 in a numeric 8,2 field. My status line shows something likg "preis length 8" - well, should be short enough? Later on i see the "your changes will be discarded"...
The strange thing about this is, i haven't touched this table's definition for ages, my generated code has e.g.

Code: Select all

    RETURN SELF:FieldPut(#PREIS, uValue)
- I certainly never ever strong typed this code, did we have sometime a tpl which did that?

Frankly, i feel ATM like in in very bad Vo times - this same app accepted longer prices a week ago :evil:
(on Win8.1/64, Xide32 2.20, X#
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[Xide 1.24] DBServer / FldSpec tpl where?

Post by Chris »

Hi Karl,

Some more information please..where do you get this problem? In a SLE? Standard or modified one? Created by the designer or auto generated? Can you show a sample?
Chris Pyrgas

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[Xide 1.24] DBServer / FldSpec tpl where?

Post by FFF »

i know, i know. Noticed in cell in browse view in a subdatawindow, so auto-generated probably 100 years ago ;)
But, happens also in browse view of my "servicewindow", which generates a datawindow on the fly.
AND, it happens in browse view of the StdDataWindow, which Vo generates after "File-Open".

Thx to your question i realized i could swap to form view - et voila, no problem. Back to browse - no go. Note: the browse view expects first a "insert/overwrite" toggle (as it did in Vo) - then i type eg. 123,45, leave cell (i.e. change record) - in my windows usually appears "your charges will be discarded", in VO-Std always in statusbar "Fehler Preis max Länge ist 8"
EDIT: Wanted to show this with a new StandardMDI-App/X# from Xide Gallery, but here one can't edit a cell in the browse view, which replaces the old VO Catoxxx.dll...
(on Win8.1/64, Xide32 2.20, X#
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[Xide 1.24] DBServer / FldSpec tpl where?

Post by Chris »

Hi Karl,

That's because by default the sample uses a (Data)ListView for displaying the data. Copy all the CATO*.dll files from your VO installation to the Bin folder of your project and it should use the DataBrowser now.
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[Xide 1.24] DBServer / FldSpec tpl where?

Post by FFF »

Good Morning!
Didn't know the cure re DLV, thx.

Copied the CATOx from Xideconfig to bin, - now the sample app works correctly.
Switched back to my app, File-Open, browse view, "Fehler: Preis max Länge ist 8".
Copied the Catox from the sample's bin to my app's bin. No change.
How can that be?
(on Win8.1/64, Xide32 2.20, X#
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[Xide 1.24] DBServer / FldSpec tpl where?

Post by Chris »

Hi Karl,

Extremely difficult to tell without seeing a sample...
Chris Pyrgas

XSharp Development Team
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