Bandol 2.08

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Bandol 2.08

Post by lumberjack »

Hi DevTeam,

I am currently not allowed to add comments to the announcement, so here goes.

Well done! I have downloaded, installed and recompiled some code I am currently working on. Easy as always and the speed is AWESOME!!!

Congratulations also on sharing the Compiler source code, it was a long road to here, but I believe and I think most will agree it was worth getting on the X# bandwagon.

With the FoxPro class structure now also available I believe 2020 will be an exciting year and I look forward to make new friends here on the forum.

@Robert @Fabrice: Good luck next week at SWFOX, I am sure it will be a huge success.

X# regards from sunny South Africa.
Johan Nel
Boshof, South Africa
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