VN2ADO compile with X#9

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Frank Müßner
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VN2ADO compile with X#9

Post by Frank Müßner »

Hello :-)
have someone VN2ADO compile with XSharp ?
Perhaps someone Paper how to import in X#?
I have the last vn2ado Version and try add to a Xide Project.
I think in have to import VnAdoSrv CLR4 and VnAdoRt CLR4 (where a add the Source from ADO folder, not ADOX)
Language is XSharp and Dialect VO / Option is Library and x86

When try to compile VnAdoRt CLR4 i get:

Compiler has returned exit code -532462766 nothing more.

when Click Debug is get:
Die Datei oder Assembly "XSharp.VO, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ed555a0467764586" oder eine Abhängigkeit davon wurde nicht gefunden. Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

Callstack :

But i have no xSharp.VO All References point to :-)

Some help?

Regards, Frank
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Frank Müßner
Posts: 276
Joined: Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:22 pm
Location: Germany

VN2ADO compile with X#9

Post by Frank Müßner »


i found no solution. :-(

i somebody using VN2ADO? Can i try to use the compiled dll´s from VN2ADO and use only and use only for this the VN Runtime?

Regards, Frank
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