No such interface supported error

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No such interface supported error

Post by ic2 »

From a C# program we can run the a specific Map & Guide method residing in a class library within the same X# project. Map & Guide is a 3rd party geo-location software. It shows a map and projects a route. The code to call it is in a X# / Vulcan class library.

Now we want to run exactly the same code from VO, like this:

oVulcan := OLEAutoObject{"IC2ExtLibForVO.VOVulcanClass"}
oVulcan:CollectRouteForPlanningScreen("398",CToD("02/01/2017"),CToD("02/01/2017"), true,0,"07:00:00","11:30:00")

The VO program crashes and the error log contains the error Interface wordt niet ondersteund ("No such interface supported". )

Note that all DLL's present in the Release directory of the working C# solution are also present in the VO working directory and that other functionality using Map & Guide works fine within the same X# DLL called from the same VO program. Only the other one I saw was called in C#. Both were written by Jelle.

So far we haven't been able to see why it crashes. It executes all code (this is logged) but never shows the Winform with the Map & Guide map component on it.

We are still investigating but I wonder if the error message "No such interface supported" already rings a bell? Normally this would indicate all kind of unregistered DLL's but this is unlikely as other functionality seems to work from the same DLL when called from VO. Only difference as said is that the other function (in the same Map & Guide DLL) is called with C# (in the same solution containing the class library).

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No such interface supported error

Post by Jamal »

Any public c# class to be used in VO must be decorated with


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