Fattura elettronica

Forum dedicato ai programmatori di X# in lingua italiana – Italian language forum

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Fattura elettronica

Post by wriedmann »

Salve a tutti,

ho implementato ieri la lettura delle fatture XML, ovviamente in X#, come libreria COM che si può anche usare da VO in modalità side-by-side, cioè senza doverla registrare sulle singole macchine.

Se qualcuno ne avesse bisogno, fatemelo sapere.



P.S. altra pecularità: le fatture in entrata delle volte sono allegate in formato XML, e qualche volta in formato P7M, cioè compresse. Anche per questo problema dovrò trovare una soluzione, che sicuramente pubblicherò.
Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy
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Fattura elettronica

Post by softdevo@tiscali.it »

Ciao Wolfgang, certo che interessa, grazie

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Fattura elettronica

Post by NickFriend »

Hi Wolfgang,

Apologies for English in the Italian forum, but we have to implement something like this for our application in South America, so I'd be very interested to have a look.


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Fattura elettronica

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Nick,

the Italian Ministry of Finance a few years ago has defined a format for an electronic invoice in XML format. Initially only invoices to public administrations had to be in this format, but beginning with 2019 all invoices between Italian companies have to be in this format.

Do you have to implement reading such invoices or to write them? And is the format you need already defined or do you need to define something?

Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy
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Fattura elettronica

Post by NickFriend »

Hi Wolfgang,

In Colombia where we work, they changed over from GAAP to IFRS accounting recently and are implementing electronic invoicing in XML format - my guess is it's going to be very similar. We'll need to read and write. At the very least it'll give me a good head start!


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Fattura elettronica

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Nick,

please find attached in a ZIP file both my library as XIDE export file and the definition of the format as Excel, and also the prg files itself:
(72.75 KiB) Downloaded 67 times
I have simplified it a bit because not every part of the XML that can be repeated will be really repeated.

Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy
https://www.riedmann.it - https://docs.xsharp.it
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Fattura elettronica

Post by NickFriend »

Brilliant Wolfgang, thanks very much.

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