XIDE and resource compiling

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XIDE and resource compiling

Post by Karl-Heinz »

I noticed that the VOXPorter writes numbers only and not the corresponding define names to the rc file. Now when i change anything in the form designer the define names are written to the rc file, which results in the error:

error RC2104 : undefined keyword or key name: WS_CHILD

it seems a resource compiler thing only, because something like:

local iStyle as int

iStyle := WS_CHILD

in a prg compiles, so WS_CHILD is at least visible to the #X Compiler. I´ve searched sharp.info for "RC1204" but there are no hits. What might be the problem ?

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XIDE and resource compiling

Post by robert »

XIDE or VS ?

The VS code generator should include #defines in the RC files for all styles used.
I am not sure what the XIDE code generator does.

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XIDE and resource compiling

Post by Karl-Heinz »

Hi Robert,


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XIDE and resource compiling

Post by Chris »

Hi Karl-Heinz,

Hmm, right, XIDE still assumes you have a vulcan trial version installed so it tries to use a VOWin32APILibrary.vh file for the defines. Thought I had fixed that, but apparently not, will take care of it and send you an update ASAP.

Chris Pyrgas

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XIDE and resource compiling

Post by Karl-Heinz »

Chris wrote:Hi Karl-Heinz,

Hmm, right, XIDE still assumes you have a vulcan trial version installed so it tries to use a VOWin32APILibrary.vh file for the defines. Thought I had fixed that, but apparently not, will take care of it and send you an update ASAP.

Hi Chris,

thanks !

BTW. Such *.vh files are also required when you want to build a gallery app.

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XIDE and resource compiling

Post by Chris »

Karl-Heinz, please check your mail!

Chris Pyrgas

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XIDE and resource compiling

Post by Karl-Heinz »

Chris wrote:Karl-Heinz, please check your mail!

funny, just wanted to reply :-)

thanks !

1. with the new XIDE files the problem with the define names is solved.

2. After removing some *.vh vulcan files and adding a reference to the sdk_defines.dll, the mdi app also works

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XIDE and resource compiling

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Karl,
After removing some *.vh vulcan files and adding a reference to the sdk_defines.dll, the mdi app also works
Means that you have ported over also the GUI classes yourself from VO to X#?

Wolfgang Riedmann
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XIDE and resource compiling

Post by Karl-Heinz »

Hi Wolfgang,

Means that you have ported over also the GUI classes yourself from VO to X#?
Jumping from VO to .net is easy , isn´t it ? ;-)

No, seriously: i´m still using the vulcan dlls. I only added the mdi sample from the XIDE gallery and couldn´t compile it because there are some specific vulcan *.vh files required which i don´t have. Chris gave me the hint to delete such *.vh files and add the SDK_DEFINES.dll instead.

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XIDE and resource compiling

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Karl-Heinz,

I have compiled my Vulcan class libraries with X# and removed all includes, but added the sdk_defines.dll instead - works like a charm.

I'm very happy to get rid of these include issues we had in Vulcan.

Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy
https://www.riedmann.it - https://docs.xsharp.it
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