RC1015 error after build project

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RC1015 error after build project

Post by Anonymous »

I used Vx# VO Exporter. When I build project this error on the screen:

Severity Code Description Project Project Rank Path File Line Column Category Source Suppression State Tool
Error RC1015 cannot open include file 'include'. Badam_EV Program 1 C:UsersBadamAppDataLocalTemp C:UsersBadamAppDataLocalTemptmp4221c110583b48a3a05c31ad4213868b.rsp 9 1 Compiler Build Build

What is wrong?
Can yout help me?
X# last version and Visual Studio 2.8 SP2 OS Windows 10 Pro (Hungarian version)
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RC1015 error after build project

Post by Chris »

Hi Adam,

Looks like something is wrong with the native resources (the .rc files). Can you zip and send me the project to have a look?

Chris Pyrgas

XSharp Development Team test

RC1015 error after build project

Post by Badam »

Hi Chris!
Thank you for speed answer!
My program is very big. Tomorrow i can create a little program and I will send to You. Do you send for me an mail address if you can! Thank You.
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RC1015 error after build project

Post by Chris »

Hi Adam,

My email is chris(at)xsharp.eu

Do you mean that you get this error also with small apps? For example what happens if you export one of the samples that come with VO like the pizza one, or a Standard MDI app, do you get the same error?

About the very big app of yours, is this the first app that you are trying to port? If yes, I'd suggest porting something smaller first, in order to get familiar with the process, and also debug/fix possible issue like the one with rc.exe more easily. Because in a huge app it will be difficult...

Chris Pyrgas

XSharp Development Team test
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