XIDE suggestion (add existing files as link)

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XIDE suggestion (add existing files as link)

Post by SHirsch »

Hi Chris,

I have a suggestion for XIDE:
In Visual Studio it is possible to add existing files as link. So one can have multiple projects with exactly the same source files. The projects are running on WinCE and Windows Desktop. They share most of the code base. On WinCE devices I have multiple libraries on desktop it is one single exe.
For eliminating VS2008 (which is needed for WinCE devices) I would like to use XIDE.

XIDE is such a great simple to use IDE for X# an even for C#. The possibility to compile a project for compact framework is a another great benefit which I would really like to use (if linking existing source files is possible). Debugging on remote device would be unbelievable too(but I didn't need that for the last 3 years).

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XIDE suggestion (add existing files as link)

Post by Chris »

Hi Stefan,

That works already, when you use "Add Existing Files" to an app, if the files are located in an external folder, there's a question dialog asking you if you want to copy the files to the application folder. If you select Yes, then the files are copied and the new files are used for the app. If you select No, then the original files are used in their original location, which is the same as using files as link.

Thanks for your nice words about XIDE! I created it because I also wanted to feel comfortable myself when doing .Net programming. About c# support, well it was a time when I needed to make a lot of changes to parts of the vulcan runtime that were written in c#, but could not get used to the VS c# editor, so spent a few days adding c# support in XIDE (VIDE back then) and then I was productive again! :) The debugger capabilities in XIDE are unfortunately limited though, I do not have the knowledge myself to create one, so I am using a 3rd party debugger core library, which unfortunately is not being updated anymore. Maybe there's some other library available out there though...

Chris Pyrgas

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XIDE suggestion (add existing files as link)

Post by SHirsch »

Hi Chris,

thanks. Sorry, I didn't get it. :pinch:

First time read the message and next times always just click the same button.

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