[RP2.40] SQL?

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[RP2.40] SQL?

Post by FFF »

Just thought (...) i'd try changing a simple one table RP designer-report from dbf to sql.
Removed the link to the dbf, added a PG driver (from computer data sources), changed the fieldnames accordingly - see in the expression editor all the relevant tables and fields. No errors at save.
But when openining the preview i get:
The following error was encountered while reporting:

FEHLER: Syntaxfehler bei »..«;
Error while executing the query

Ahem. Anyone an idea what and how i might proceed?
(Just in case if you wonder, why i don't export the PG table to a tmp dbf - my DBMigration tool chokes writing PG to odbc, up to now i never saw the need to hunt that problem down..)

Anyway, i should know better than to undertake such ventures in this time of the year: Happy Christmas to all of you, peace and health!
(on Win8.1/64, Xide32 2.20, X#
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