Hi Irwin,
For clear bugs in the compiler/runtime etc, please put them directly in git if you can. For issues that need some discussion/explanations etc, better post them here first.
The error with the semicolon inside TEXT...END TEXT is a clear bug I think, the semicolon should be part of the text (that's what you intended to, is that right?)
For the simpler string assignment, this is just a normal expression (and code continuing in the next line should be ended with a semicolon at the end), the correct syntax would be:
VAR lcMacro := "line 1 of text" + ;
"line 2 of text"
But I see that the compiler allows you to omit the end quote of the first line, and still require the ";" symbol (still inside the string), which is very confusing indeed. Will open a report about this and the other issues (after clarifying also the rest).
About the actual contents of the string, what is your intended result? First of all, does VFP allow to use the <<varname>> notation also in "regular" strings, like the one you are using in the VAR declaration? Or is this supported only in TEXT TO commands (as we were assuming).
The currently supported way to do something like this in X# is using interpolated strings, there's documentation about this here:
https://www.xsharp.eu/help/new-feat-int ... rings.html
But if VFP allows the <<...>> notation in such strings, then we need to allow it also in X#, for the VFP dialect.
Also about the other clauses inside the string, like "0x{0:X8}", is this something that VFP supports, or are you trying to use the .Net notation for translating strings?