What is this error: %V1s%V2s in Conversion %s to %s

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What is this error: %V1s%V2s in Conversion %s to %s

Post by ic2 »

In a search function we have used for years, 2 clients on the same server reported the error below. Remarkable thing was (for one of the clients, for the other I don't know yet) that the problem only occurred with one specific search string of 3 (normal) letters. Then I copied the dbf +cdx to my system, which is like the server running under ADS (the error suggest ADS has something to do with it) there was no problem at all. For the first client I eventually copied all the data to a new dbf using dbMax and reindexed from there which seems to have solved it (for now) it but nor the error, nor the circumstances nor the 'solution' make any sense.

What could have caused this? What does the error say, especially %V1s%V2s in Conversion %s to %s

Code line (cKey is what they typed in to search for):

Code: Select all

nMax := Min(oAdres:orderkeycount(),15*SLen(cKey))

GenCode 27 -> Undefined class
SubSystem -> AXDBFCDX
SubCode 5041 -> %V1s%V2s in Conversion %s to %s
FuncSym -> ORDERKEYCOUNT FuncPtr 0x00000000
VO-Description -> Error 5041: The requested object was not found. Key not found.
MethodSelf -> Adres

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Re: What is this error: %V1s%V2s in Conversion %s to %s

Post by Chris »

Hi Dick,

It seems there was something wrong with the index file, or the ADS RDD did not handle well some information in it. And apparently the error depends also on something else, like setting specific scopes, filters, order conditions etc.

Do you still have the original dbf/cdx files, as they were when they were producing the error when using ADS? Can you please ask them what *exactly* they did before the error appeared and see if you can reproduce it following the same steps?
Chris Pyrgas

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Re: What is this error: %V1s%V2s in Conversion %s to %s

Post by ic2 »

Hello Chris,

Yes, I've downloaded the dbf+cdx from their server.

1 Most searches don't give the crash & error, except everything starting with "r" or "BIK". And maybe more, but e.g. "BIL" and literally any other single letter except that 'r' works without error. The method is an autocomplete, every time a new character is typed, a combobox is filled with a limited number of relations starting with the typed characters. This has worked for years on many systems without this error and wasn't changed

2 When I copy these exact same files to my testsystem here (also with ADS) the very same exe does NOT crash. That makes no sense to me (especially because it looks like for the previous client on the same server, different data, rebuilding helped with no further issues so far). If the index is wrong, why doesn't it fail for me?

3 Do you have an idea that the "%V1s%V2s in Conversion %s to %s" in the error could mean?

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Re: What is this error: %V1s%V2s in Conversion %s to %s

Post by Chris »

Hi Dick,

The strange error message is probably a bug in the error reporting mechanism itself, it tries to give more information about the error, but fails to do it because the string for formatting the error message has a bug.

I just noticed we are in the VO & Vulcan subforum, so it this app a VO, Vulcan or X# app?

In any case, it must be something environmental that's different and you cannot reproduce the problem locally. Different ADS version, different driver version, or just something else like an extra filter being used additionally that you are not using locally. Or something similar.
Chris Pyrgas

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Re: What is this error: %V1s%V2s in Conversion %s to %s

Post by ic2 »

Hello Chris,

Thanks for your reply. I just did the same as for the other client on that server: copied the database from dbMax, renamed it to the original name, used dbMax' Rebuild (index) and the problem is gone.

It was indeed VO. What caused the source dbf/cdx to yield this weird failure on searching a limited number of keys while searching the same dbf/cdx worked on my system...I have no idea. But the solution seems to have worked and that it's the most important.

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