Vo 2.5 to x#

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Vo 2.5 to x#

Post by attia »

can any one tell me how to export from vo 2.5
and import to x#

the file from xporter not the same when i need to import from x#

i will thank for give me real doc with the last ver.

moshe attia

i ask in chatgpt they dont know any thing about the vo language or x#
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Re: Vo 2.5 to x#

Post by Fabrice »

Hi Moshe,

as I don't know what process you have followed, may I suggest to have a look at one of our video, Beginner Level: Moving applications from VO to X# - Part1, on our YouTube channel (XSharp Academy):

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Re: Vo 2.5 to x#

Post by Chris »

Hi Moshe,

VOXporter can read .aefs from VO 2.5. You just need to export your apps to aef and import them from VOXporter.
Chris Pyrgas

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Re: Vo 2.5 to x#

Post by attia »

thank you for your help

i have import my application i have alot of error....

i think for now that vo2.5 is more easy for develop....

moshe attia

did you try ask chatgpt for example ? the answer is not working wrong syntax

i dont find any help for begin??
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Re: Vo 2.5 to x#

Post by ic2 »

Hello Attia,

Certainly VO is easier to develop in, although the last published version 2838 is far better than 2.5. You will mainly convert applications to X# to make them more future prove (in a decade, there are few VO developers but .Net developers knowing e.g. C# won't have much trouble with X#). Second reason is to access .Net based methods, functions and programs. You can also achieve that to use an X# library used from VO. Third reason is that the X# compiler is much tighter which also means less chance for (sometimes inexplicable errors during program execution). You have seen some of this tighter compilation in the number of errors after converting; others are mainly incompatibilities VO vs .Net. You will have to address each (series) of them and for a large program that takes time.

Program environments Visual Studio and X# offer some functionality which is absent in VO (I like PeekDefinition) but IMO lacks more important things that VO has. Main advantages of VO are the ability to edit single entities and quickly find the last changed entities by sorting. VS editing is like VO editing a whole MEF. Second thing I hate in VS is that search results don't show the method or function name (only the whole program name) where the search result is found, so I sometimes end up opening dozens of programs, or more while in VO I often recognize what I need with the method/function name.

In general .Net programs are slower than VO programs, especially on starting due to the way .Net's IL is translated to executable code. Some specific (e.g. arithmetic) functions are much faster but that will only be visible in programs which heavily rely on that functions.

If you really want to go to X#, watch some presentation on X#'s YouTube channel, read messages here and check out the samples in the Help or the Download/Free software sections. Don't rely on ChatGPT. Basically the ChatGPT is collecting what is published over the net and that you better find here. I've been presented a (C#) ChatGPT. solution once which compiled but didn't work although it did after a small change. ChatGPT may help sometimes but for now that's all it does.

I hope this helps you decide / start.

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Re: Vo 2.5 to x#

Post by Chris »

Hi Moshe,

Here are some important articles and videos to read/view before you port your application.


You may get a lot of errors at first, but usually they decrease quickly as you start getting familiar with the process. We have actually ported ourselves (dev team) an app (around 250,000 lines of code) from VO 25b3 as a test for the xporter and it was possible to do it quickly enough, but of course we have a lot of experience with that. If you'd like, we can help you closely with the port or even do it completely for you for a fee of course.

Would it be possible to send the aef(s) of your application to us? Then we can have a quick look and tell you an estimate how much time and effort it would take to completely port it to X#.

Also please note that there are already many dozens VO apps that have been successfully ported to X# and the developers of those applications are very productive in X#. Or at least that's what they told us in the recent X# conference in Germany. And in case you don't like Visual Studio, you can also use XIDE which is more VO-like (but with a lot more features than VO).
Chris Pyrgas

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Re: Vo 2.5 to x#

Post by attia »

Thanks for the quick replies, I have been worried for several years that xbase will disappear and am happy that X# is developing, I remember when I switched from Clipper 87 to VO there were also difficulties there, I'm sure I'll manage, but the help files were in VO. They helped a lot. Currently trying to understand and write really basic things in X#
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