Being positive in our approach to using VS to code X#

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Being positive in our approach to using VS to code X#

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Phil,

I'm very sorry if I have written something that is not ok or has damaged the positive feelings of someone. I'll try to omit this in future.

Wolfgang Riedmann
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Phil Hepburn
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Being positive in our approach to using VS to code X#

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Sorry guys and TEAM - for C# read X# ;-0)

The poor level of my postings is probably due to too much wood working ;-0)

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Being positive in our approach to using VS to code X#

Post by ic2 »

Hello Phil,
It seems to me that we need a new topic section in 'Pearls' to allow any VS user to post their tips, tricks, and general 'good' advice. We can even ask moaners and groans (and negative thinkers) to just 'keep out' !? Lets be positive about Visual Studio.
It seems this forum is going to to be "Brianized". Robert locking a discussion, Phil asking "moaners and groaners and negative thinkers" to keep out unless they praise VS and it's good deeds! I remember a newsgroup where it's owner, let's call him "Brian", spent more time keeping people out, let's call them "the Geoffs", than in developing his product, let's call it "Vulcan". Well, the "Geoffs" who kept writing how poorly "Vulcan" was managed, left the NG and also all other newsgroups and only years later all the other users discovered he was right.

Personally I learned from people who respond on critical posts by confirming what is true (and writing how they deal with it) and showing what isn't (and why). When I am going to code in X#, using WPF, I have little other choice than to use VS. I would really love to be positive about it, so Phil, please keep on writing what we can use that works better than in VO. So far I have found more that works worse, hence my "negative thinking" but who knows your Pearls will eventually change that. I am looking forward to it.

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Being positive in our approach to using VS to code X#

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Dick,

I had decided to not answer anymore in this thread, but I think you are simply over-reacting.
This is a product forum, and therefore I understand that Robert has locked a thread. And there is nobody that was locked out.
And it is simple not true to compare the actual team with GrafX: the X# development is programmers driven, and Robert works very hard on the product itself, instead of limiting itself to "drive the company" or "manage the product".

I agree wit you that also negative statements should have their place ( and after this discussion I had decided to not post anymore in this forum to not damage the project since I don't like VS too, but prefer XIDE ), but I think that to many complaints are as bad as to many praisings.


P.S. this will be my last contribution to this thread
Wolfgang Riedmann
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Being positive in our approach to using VS to code X#

Post by robert »


The thread was locked because it was derailing. When people start posting messages only to get the last word in a thread, then it is time to stop the thread.

This is a public forum. So far we have not had to remove any messages or block any users. We hope it can stay that way.

However we kindly ask everybody to follow the "normal" rules of proper communication in public. We have formulared some of these rules on the page

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Being positive in our approach to using VS to code X#

Post by NickFriend »

Robert van der Hulst wrote:Dick,
The thread was locked because it was derailing. When people start posting messages only to get the last word in a thread, then it is time to stop the thread.
Sorry Robert, that was me. I was only joking with Chris, and certainly wouldn't do it as a matter of course. Doesn't hurt for you to keep everyone on track though (remember the "good old" Joel/Geoff threads from Google!)

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Being positive in our approach to using VS to code X#

Post by Chris »


That was also me...I was trying to derail that thread on purpose :-)

Chris Pyrgas

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Phil Hepburn
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Moaners, groaners, and positive posters !

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Hi Robert, Team and all guys,

If you read my previous comments carefully, I never tried to stop 'negative' postings, there are definite needs for these - BUT - in the right place in the forum.

If we keep Pearls as a 'learning zone' for guys to read and discover new things etc., and the post tell colleagues how to get good and real results, it is much better for others to post their negative comments elsewhere in the forum.

It sometimes appears as if there are 'trigger' words which get some guys to just pour out tirades of anti Microsoft (or other) comments. Not always very helpful to other readers

On a personal level I always agonise (and think hard) over some of my technical posts, hoping that I am correct in what I say and that I have done enough testing before I commit my thoughts for others to read. I don't wish to mislead anyone.

I remember one post in the past, when I was trying to pass on my positive experiences and succeses with WPF and the VS graphical editor for WPF - just to have a well known colleagues add a long post to mine, telling all that the editor in VS for WPF was the worst ever and that it just did not work, etc., etc.. This was one example where I feel Forum Friends were totally misled by the post second post. It does work, but it has to be used correctly, and with understanding, and its probably too complex a topic to publish short posts about.

Many of the issues we all discuss are very complex, and a 'quick fire' damning or praising comment is not really possible or helpful. We don't live in the good old simple past any more ;-0(

In fact I am to make my own MAON post in the morning, yes, me moan - about VS 2017 and its installer, but I will not place it in 'Pearls' and I will at least offer my suggestions on how to get around the problems I face on my office PC. I do now have the new X# compiler working with VS 2017 on my PC ... more on that in my 'Moan Post' in the morning.

I hope more of you guys understand what I am trying to suggest in 'structuring' where we place our comments in the "Forum Folder" general structure. We all get frustrated when complex stuff does not work, me included, BUT, I have a personal policy that seems to work - NEVER post comments while feeling frustrated, go and have a coffee, or a beer, or even as Nick does go and walk the dog. And don't post after drinking alcohol either.

Kindest regards to everyone, the moaners and the praisers ;-0)

Wales, UK.
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