Welche Version von Visual Studio ist für 2.18 zu empfehlen

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Re: Welche Version von Visual Studio ist für 2.18 zu empfehlen

Post by ic2 »

Just one more thing, besides the above "contradictory" question. Am I right with this: in VS 2022 you can still use (3rd party) 32 bits components as long as you change Any CPU (which is now standard 64 bit) to X86?

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Re: Welche Version von Visual Studio ist für 2.18 zu empfehlen

Post by robert »

There is no contradiction:

If your app references external components (DevExpress, Infragistics, ChillKat etc) and these components are developed for AnyCPU then you can use VS2022 to develop. However, if that component targets X86 only then that component itself cannot be instantiated inside the internal Windows Forms Editor in the VS2022 IDE, so you will have to use VS2019.

If your app targets x86 and you are using x86 3rd party components, then you will not be able to design the forms that contain these components inside VS2022 and you will have to use VS2019.
If your app targets x86 but all the components that you use on your forms are AnyCPU then you can still develop with VS2022.

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The Netherlands
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