Installationsproblem X# 2.16.05 Public

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Installationsproblem X# 2.16.05 Public

Post by omoser »

Hallo, ich wollte X# von 2.14 upgrade auf die 2.16, aber habe plötzlich Probleme.
Bei der Installation kommt eine FehlerMeldung: Failed to expand Folder "userdocs"
und beim Start von VS 2022 dann XSharpLanguage Package wurde nicht ordnunggemäss geladen,
siehe Screenshots in Attachments.

Hat jemand eine Idee was ich tun kann?
Habe bereits deinstalliert und neu installiert, selbe Fehlermeldungen.
WIN 10 hat ein Update gezogen, kann das irgendeine Rechteänderung sein?

Danke vorab für eure Hilfe, stehe etwas auf dem Schlauch, bin am überlegen
ob ich zurück auf die 2.14 gehen soll, um zu testen ob das wenigstens noch läuft..?

Danke und VG
vs-2022-start-error.png (29.45 KiB) Viewed 2199 times
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Re: Installationsproblem X# 2.16.05 Public

Post by robert »

This sounds like your windows profile is broken. The {userdocs} folder should point to the documents folder in your user profile.
I think the installation was aborted because of the missing folder.

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Re: Installationsproblem X# 2.16.05 Public

Post by omoser »

THanks Robert,
i will check that and how i can "repair" it..
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Re: Installationsproblem X# 2.16.05 Public

Post by omoser »

Strange, it works with 2.14 Setup but now not with 2.16..?
Still investigating what changed, it runs in a Virtual machine,
first time i run into problems...
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Re: Installationsproblem X# 2.16.05 Public

Post by robert »

If you can't find anything, then I will compare the installation scrips of the 2 versions to see what the difference is.

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Re: Installationsproblem X# 2.16.05 Public

Post by omoser »

Hi Robert,
unfortunately i did not find something,
so if it is possible for you it would really help
me to understand the difference between 2.14 Install
script and 2.16 ...
Thanks in advance,
BR Oliver
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Re: Installationsproblem X# 2.16.05 Public

Post by robert »


I compared the installation scripts, and the only relevant change that is related to the userdocs folder is that we place links to the examples folders in there.
We install the examples in the Common documents folder (for all users) and put links to these folders in the user Document folder.

According to the documentation of Inno Setup these are valid "macros".

{userdocs} & {commondocs}
The path to the My Documents folder.

I can find this message describing the error: ... inno-setup

This is not very common. Maybe your IT department has blocked the "My documents" folder?
For a future build, I will add the workaround that was suggested on stackoverflow.

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Re: Installationsproblem X# 2.16.05 Public

Post by omoser »

Hi Robert,
thank you very much for your support and the invested time!
This is very appreciated, and i will check with IT about this problems
on my VM.
I think this is also a combination of problems, with the known issue of the windows host.dll
in another thread with VS 2022. I will also try it with V.2.16 and VS 2019, to get clear on
the problem.

Thanks again and have a good day!
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Re: Installationsproblem X# 2.16.05 Public

Post by robert »


The problem with the Windows.Design.Host.DLL is the same with 2.14 and 2.16

XSharp Development Team
The Netherlands
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