Visual Studio does not show (all) X# templates

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Visual Studio does not show (all) X# templates

Post by ic2 »

I wanted to show a non X# user the basics of X#. When I let him search X# templates in the VS start screen he originally saw nothing (entering X#) unlike on my system but that was due to the fact he didn't check the .Net desktop development options. After doing that common options I see like X# Winforms or WPF applications seem still missing.Also the Repair option did not change that.

I have now advised him to install VS 2019 (on mine it works at least) but I'd say it should work on VS2022 too.

Does anyone have an idea what else could be wrong?

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Re: Visual Studio does not show (all) X# templates

Post by robert »

It must be the missing .Net desktop development option.
Add that to VS and install X# again.
I'll see if I can add a warning in the X# installer when this option is missing.

XSharp Development Team
The Netherlands
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