[Very OT] Googlemail: Problem with account "doubling"?

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[Very OT] Googlemail: Problem with account "doubling"?

Post by FFF »

i even can't think of a appropriate search clause, so i wonder, if somebody has a suggestion for this:
Years ago i made a mail account with google for my mother, alpha.beta@googlemail.com. She used an iPad, here i set up the standard mail app using this, and it worked and works. Now the problem:
Since more than a year i get mails into this account, all from Italy, South Tyrol, various senders. All of them use as address: alphabeta@gmail.com (note the missing dot).
First i thought there's some spam, but there's no hint for "click here", or confirm this etc. It reads like mail an elderly lady in Tyrol might get...

Would you say, this is spam, nevertheless? Or could it really be, that there's some flaw with Googles mailserver system? I know Google time ago changed their domain name from googlemail to gmail, so i wonder...
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[Very OT] Googlemail: Problem with account "doubling"?

Post by Jamal »

From Google:

https://support.google.com/mail/answer/ ... 0gmail.com

Dots don't matter in Gmail addresses
If someone accidentally adds dots to your address when emailing you, you'll still get that email. For example, if your email is johnsmith@gmail.com, you own all dotted versions of your address:

Note: If you use Gmail through work, school, or other organization (like yourdomain.com or yourschool.edu), dots do change your address. To change the dots in your username, contact your admin.

No one else gets your emails
No one can take your username
No one sees your mail
What to do if you get someone else's mail
Adding dots doesn't change your address, so dots aren't why you got someone else's mail. Instead, the sender probably mistyped or forgot the correct address.

For example, if someone meant to email john.43.smith@gmail.com but typed john.smith@gmail.com, the message went to you because you own johnsmith@gmail.com.
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[Very OT] Googlemail: Problem with account "doubling"?

Post by FFF »

thx for this. Really strange. Especially:
„Your Gmail address is unique. If anyone tries to create a Gmail account with a dotted version of your username, they'll get an error saying the username is already taken“.

Is obviously not true, I successfully created the dotted version years ago - and the non dotted one isn’t mine.
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[Very OT] Googlemail: Problem with account "doubling"?

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Karl,
I suspect there is an error on the other side. You created the dotted version, but also the version without dots is yours.
There is maybe an error on the other side: someone has given away a wrong address.
I have a similar issue with my gmail address: there is someone in Germany that has given my gmail.com address to others, and maybe he is owning the gmail.de address.
Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy
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[Very OT] Googlemail: Problem with account "doubling"?

Post by FFF »

Hi Wolfgang,
imho the procedure at google is at fault: it shouldn't be possible to create the second account at all. And, if i understand your example, my case is no singularity...
The question remains: is there any means to contact google to correkt such cases?
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[Very OT] Googlemail: Problem with account "doubling"?

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Karl,
it may be not the answer you like to see: you get what you pay for.
AFAIK there is no support for non-paying customers.
It is a totally different thing if you have a Google Business account: then you have support and things work better.
Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy
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[Very OT] Googlemail: Problem with account "doubling"?

Post by ic2 »

Hello Karl,
FFF post=26125 userid=259 wrote: The question remains: is there any means to contact google to correct such cases?
Officially there's a Send feedback option, see halfway https://sites.google.com/view/gemail-is ... rking/home

It would surprise me if you get a reply at all but you could give it a try.

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[Very OT] Googlemail: Problem with account "doubling"?

Post by Jamal »

It could be simply an error on the part of the sending person using the wrong email address.

You can always check if you can login into the account using both the dotted and non-dotted version of the email address. I believe you should be to login into Gmail successfully.


FFF post=26119 userid=259 wrote:Jamal,
thx for this. Really strange. Especially:
„Your Gmail address is unique. If anyone tries to create a Gmail account with a dotted version of your username, they'll get an error saying the username is already taken“.

Is obviously not true, I successfully created the dotted version years ago - and the non dotted one isn’t mine.
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[Very OT] Googlemail: Problem with account "doubling"?

Post by FFF »

yes, i can login with both versions. And if i look from the browser version of gmail into the mails, is see "mine" and "her" received mails, but not "her" sent box.

Dick, i found the contact and send them a description of the situation. Will see, if someone replies ;-)
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[Very OT] Googlemail: Problem with account "doubling"?

Post by Jamal »


She probably hid the Sent items folder. Go into the Settings and click Show, then Labels:
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FFF post=26150 userid=259 wrote:Jamal,
yes, i can login with both versions. And if i look from the browser version of gmail into the mails, is see "mine" and "her" received mails, but not "her" sent box.

Dick, i found the contact and send them a description of the situation. Will see, if someone replies ;-)
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