X# and .NET WebAPI - What is possible

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X# and .NET WebAPI - What is possible

Post by hilberg.it »


just checking what should be possible. What scenario is compatible. I was trying for the last days to add X# and ADS Db Connection to a .NET WebAPI project. Most of it worked, but unfortunately not every combination. So I want to know, what scenario should work and which one is not tested jet.

[*].NET 4.7.2 WebAPI + X# RT/RDD, AXDBFCDX + bTools.bServer -> works like charm! :cheer:
[*].NET 4.7.2 WebAPI + Advantage.Data.Provider, AdsConnection -> Collation Bug :angry:
[*].NET 5 WebAPI + X# RT/RDD, AXDBFCDX + bTools.bServer -> not possible?
[*].NET 5 WebAPI + Advantage.Data.Provider, AdsConnection -> Collation Bug

The thing is, that I wanted to use .NET 5 together with ADS as my WebAPI. But I could not get everything to work properly.
  • Is X# and bTools.bServer compatible with .NET 5 at all? X# propably yes, but what about bDbServer?
So I went for .NET 4.7.2 which seems to work fine with X# RDD, AXDBFCDX and bTools.bServer. Unfortunately I have a collation issue with ADS configured in collation=OEM and AdsConnection, AdsCommand approach. I set CharType=OEM in the connection string, but that didn't do it. But if I encapsulate the query in a subquery, umlauts get transferred correct. That looks pretty weird to me. I don't know where this problem could be located. It definitely has nothing to do with X#. Rather with Advantage.Data.Provider.dll.
  • Any ideas how to treat the collation issue?
  • And finally, in which scenario is Advantage.EntityFramework possible? .NET 4.7.2? Didn't get this to work either.
Thank you very much.
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X# and .NET WebAPI - What is possible

Post by robert »

For now we do not support .Net 5 and beyond.
The compiler is ready for this but our VS integration and build system needs some extra work.
Most of the runtime should work unchanged with .Net 4 and beyond.
I do not know if the advantage data provider is .Net 5 compatible. The ADS RDDs in X# use the Win32 layer and that should work just like the .Net Framework version.
For support on the Advantage Data Provider I would recommend contacting SAP support.

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The Netherlands
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