DevExpress DLLs and XSharp.MacroCompiler.Symbols

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DevExpress DLLs and XSharp.MacroCompiler.Symbols

Post by VR »


after referencing the DLLs from the DevExpress Winforms library I noticed, that the memory consumption was notably higher. After investigating that fact in the Diagnostics Tools I saw, that the number of items in the Dictionary<string, XSharp.MacroCompiler.Symbol> increased from 13.000 to 40.000 items. I assume, that the macro compiler indexed all the types present in the DevExpress DLLs.

Is there a way to tell the MacroCompiler to not index certain DLLs?

kind regards

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DevExpress DLLs and XSharp.MacroCompiler.Symbols

Post by robert »


You are right. The macro compiler creates a cache of typename - typesymbol pairs.
It does this the first time the macro compiler is loaded and it also does this when new assemblies are loaded.
At this moment there is no option to exclude certain DLLs.
We could probably add an event or a callback mechanism that would allow you to exclude certain DLLs.
Can you add an enhancement request for this in our Github repo ?

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DevExpress DLLs and XSharp.MacroCompiler.Symbols

Post by VR »

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