Data conversion array->Object for excel

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Data conversion array->Object for excel

Post by Chris »

HI Alex,

You can't just cast a OBJECT[] to a STRING[], those are not compatible. Instead, you need to write code that enumerates the OBJECT[] returned by _ArrayToObjectArray() and put each item to the STRING[]. If this still doesn't work, please post a complete code snippet so we can have a look.

About your other function, the correct way to instantiate a STRING[] is this:

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Chris Pyrgas

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Data conversion array->Object for excel

Post by alex_schmitt »

Hi Chris,

Thanks, that was doing the trick!

Then this is the successful solution

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FUNCTION XSStringArray2CSStringArray(input as ARRAY) AS System.String[]

LOCAL output as System.String[]
local i as int


for i:=1 to ALen(input)

RETURN output
I have to admit I would not have guessed that the syntax for instantiating an array of string objects is being instantiated that way
but maybe I didn't dig deep enough in the help docs.

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Data conversion array->Object for excel

Post by Chris »

Hi Alex,

Well, all types instantiate with TypeName{}. Since the type name here is STRING[], then instantiating it with STRING[]{} sort of makes sense ;)

Chris Pyrgas

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Data conversion array->Object for excel

Post by FFF »

That I call a short, clear, concise and understandable explanation!
Thx for that.
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Data conversion array->Object for excel

Post by alex_schmitt »

@Chris: Well, yes ;) But as I was always instantiating arrays with ArrayNew() I was not able to do this transfer ;)
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