How to check if creation of DBF record succeeded using AdsExecuteSQLDirectW

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How to check if creation of DBF record succeeded using AdsExecuteSQLDirectW

Post by robert »

I am not sure with which build of X# you are working.
But in the current build the tooltip and completion code show parameter 2 as this:
ads.png (2.82 KiB) Viewed 191 times
If you look at the prototype in our source code it is written as:

Code: Select all

 PUBLIC STATIC METHOD AdsGetLastError(pulErrCode OUT DWORD, [InAttribute] [OutAttribute] strBuf AS CHAR[], pusBufLen REF WORD ) AS DWORD

The [Inattribute] and [OutAttribute] tell you that you need to pass in a buffer of type CHAR[] and that Advantage will write to this buffer.

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How to check if creation of DBF record succeeded using AdsExecuteSQLDirectW

Post by ic2 »

Hello Robert,

I reinstalled 2.7 but if you look in the tooltip picture you see that the tooltip/completition is exactly the same as what you post.
And if you look in the code than you see that do pass a Char[] variable.
But that gives me:
Error XS1615 Argument 2 may not be passed with the 'ref' keyword

Or are you trying to say that this error does not occur in 2.8?

In that case I'll try later when I reinstall 2.8.

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How to check if creation of DBF record succeeded using AdsExecuteSQLDirectW

Post by robert »

The tooltips are different. Yours (2.7) says "REF Char[]" , 2.8 sas "AS Char[]".
This was a problem in the "tooltip" code inside VS which has been fixed in 2.8.
The compilers in 2.7 and 2.8 both want this parameter without REF prefix.

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How to check if creation of DBF record succeeded using AdsExecuteSQLDirectW

Post by ic2 »

Hello Robert,

Aaaah, I overlooked the difference. Anyhow, good to know that the compiler is doing the right thing.

One remark for future readers: I also found out why the original code returned 7200 (suggesting an error) while the record was still INSERTed. Turned out that the record had 2 email addresses totaling more than the C60 in our contact DBF. The record will be inserted with the e-mail truncated but an error is generated too.

With the current code I can both see (and log) any error but also act on the fact that the record has been added anyway.

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