Problems with VO and RDP in certain customer - Any suggestion?

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Stavros Spanos
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Problems with VO and RDP in certain customer - Any suggestion?

Post by Stavros Spanos »

Hi all!

For years on we have a rather demanding VO app that runs in numerous customers.

VO2.8, SQL Server using SQL Classes, Numerous ActiveX's etc.

This is a CRM for real estate agents that does a lot of complex queries trying to crosscheck demand with a database of 50000 preperties with a large no of fields. In general it works well with several customers but:

One of our big customers is using 40 concurrent users via RDP in a Server (2008R2) hosted in Germany. The server has something like 30Gb RAM and is hosting the SQL and VMs.

From time to time the users experience unexpected frequent crashes (all of them), while after a reboot of the server things look to work fine for a while (hours or even days). During the problem the server seems like having amount of free memory (8G f.e.)

I just wanted to answer whether there is any knowledge on finetuning RDP or anything else we could check as VO is a 32bit lang and i dont think how over using memory is used in a situation like this.

Any suggestiosn welcomed!!!

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Problems with VO and RDP in certain customer - Any suggestion?

Post by Jamal »

Hi Stravos,

It hard to tell exactly what the reasons would be.
It could be:
1. Memory leaks.
2. Memory cards issues.
3. Hard disk issues. This may be not be obvious but from my experience many time system crashes are due to bad hard disks.

VO apps can use a maximum of 2 GB of memory per instance on a 64bit system unless you change one bit in the EXE binary to /LARGEADDRESSAWARE, then the VO app can use 4GB RAM. There was discussion here about this a while back: ... imitations

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