FabTools repository goes Public

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FabTools repository goes Public

Post by Fabrice »

Hi to all,
I'm pleased to announce that the FabTools GitHub repository has been turned to public :
You will find here the Solution/Projects/Source and Demo for some FabTools/FabToys libraries.
Currently, has been moved to XSharp :
Fab Control
Fab Tools
Fab OutlookBar and SplitShell
Fab PaintLib anf Fab PaintLib Control

I haven't port Fab Serial, Fab AutoDoc, ... and others, but do you really need it ? If so, please tell me !! ;)

If you have a GitHub account, just download the Full repository and you can rebuild and test.
If that's not the case, my plan is to create zip file with the Binaries for the libs and maybe the Exe for the Demo (?): Then to publish the bin on the XSharp website, and maybe to put an article and links on the FabToys webpage; so...Stay tuned !!

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FabTools repository goes Public

Post by Fabrice »


The FabTools binaries are now available in the Download/General/Tools area.

You will find inside DLLs, Exes, the various ReadMe and a link to the source.

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FabTools repository goes Public

Post by jonhn »

Thank you very much!
What a guy!
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