Weird behaviour VS 2019 editor on pasting code

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Weird behaviour VS 2019 editor on pasting code

Post by ic2 »

I am inserting 'empty classes' to hopefully solve my issues I have with trying to XPort VO AEF's one by one. More about this later. I have typed the class and end class statement of every missing class in an external editor and then pasted those into a temporary program.

But many of the entries are scrambled somehow, directly after pasting. It seems I can correct most of the effect by trying Ctrl Z a couple of times. This reverts most of what is displayed back to what I pasted.
E.g. one of the classes pasted is:

class contact inherit ic2dbserver
end class

and directly after pasting it looks like this:

claClassntact Inherit ic2dbserver
end class

See the attachment for a larger selection of unwanted scrambled input.

I am using VS2019 and the latest X#. I would say the Intellisense is trying to do something, but what?

VSPastedClassesScrambled.jpg (24.77 KiB) Viewed 264 times
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Weird behaviour VS 2019 editor on pasting code

Post by Chris »

Hi Dick,

Yes, this is a bug, it was mostly fixed in the previous release, but not completely unfortunately. There should be another build that fixes this problem for good soon.
Chris Pyrgas

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Weird behaviour VS 2019 editor on pasting code

Post by robert »


Disable keyword case synchronization for now:
- choose menu option Tools/Options
- Then type XSharp in the search control
- Select "Intellisense" in the tree
- Choose No for Keyword case synchronization

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Weird behaviour VS 2019 editor on pasting code

Post by ic2 »

Hello Chris,Robert,

Thanks for the ultra quick reaction and good you know it's a bug. If you like I can send you the text file with the content I paste for future tests, just let me know.

I prefer to keep Case synchro to "Title" as it (so far) only seems to go so wrong in this exceptional appliance and I want the synchro to take place for everything else I type.

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