Writing Apps with Augementet Reality based on Unitiy and c/X# and .net

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Writing Apps with Augementet Reality based on Unitiy and c/X# and .net

Post by RGreim4XS »

Hi, Im very impressed about all the work you do and did . Reminds me on my past with DBÜ which makes C Code out XBase Code ( Clipper Syntax). After moving to Win I moved to FP/VFP , Java / J2EE , XCODE and may more.

My daughter (Student of. Communications Design ) did a App Prototype with Adobe XD. My idea is to make a nonprofit solution based on this partly or complete.
Some are standards some of them use AR and Cam pls the ideas which will come.
Open is then the „Crossplatform approach“. Im living in a windows world but the world is also using IOS, Android. That’s why unity...

The Idea is : use X# / C# and ty it to WinForms, WPV and Unity Engine.

Possible ?

BR Rainer ...
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Writing Apps with Augementet Reality based on Unitiy and c/X# and .net

Post by TerryB1 »


I make the following comments as a CSharper - Not qualified to comment on XSharp.

The answer to your question - "Possible"? is yes.

But that is, in my opinion, the wrong question.

Do not underestimate the scale of the task you are suggessting. To cover everything would need the resources of Microsoft.

The question should be "Is it a practical proposition"? and the answer to that is not so clear cut.

Microsoft has however given us the tools with which to tackle such a task. For managed code the answer is that it could be. Still a substantial task, but not totally unrealistic to take on.

The Microsoft tools include C# itself and the C# Roslyn Compiler. No doubt similar tools are available from non-MS sources.

The main problem is getting developers with sufficient in-depth and broad range of understanding across all the languages etc that you referenced at the start.

IMO you won't find any. The required range of knowledge/experience is just too great. (Too great for any single individual to learn in a lifetime).

So is there a way to do it?

Again, IMO, the only way would be to assemble a team of developers with intimate knowledge of their chosen environment, students with open minds ideal, and get them to fully understand the common way in which applications on a digital computer actually run. Then divers knowledge areas become effectively "linked together".

I tried to explain the understanding required in my "Jack and the Beanstalk" (or JB2) post on Chit Chat. Everything in that is tied in to what we know about the natural world.

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Writing Apps with Augementet Reality based on Unitiy and c/X# and .net

Post by RGreim4XS »

Hi Terry ,
thx for the long postings.
Your right, but...
As I have now the „big picture“ its time to slice it, or move it in a different more realistic direction. This is my task...
And 1st step is to investigate , 20 years ago I was a programmer / coder with xbase and other nice things.
Now , after 18 years in the automotive industry, Im now doing what one call software engineering... but still somebody has to do the coding ..

But Im happy to see what a student of com design with a background of a graphic and photodesigner can do in 2 month, haven’t seen xdesign before .
So time again to get the dust from my 57 years old brain.
Lets do it... even in small steps...
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Writing Apps with Augementet Reality based on Unitiy and c/X# and .net

Post by TerryB1 »

Hi Rainer


There must be a lot of "Read-across" from your automotive background.

I know there were developers who at one time used VO to successfully drive 3-D apps such as Autocad.

Results, as I remember, quite spectacular. And time saving over alternatives such as WPF enormous.

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