With this message we would like to give you all a quick heads up of the progress on the X# runtime.
As promised in Cologne last month we will release the first beta of the X# runtime end of May.
And we are on schedule !
We will release the first Beta next week. This will include XSharp.Core.DLL and XSharp.VO.DLL the 2 components that contain the XBase functions and XBase specific types. Recompiled versions of the VO class libraries are most likely not included yet. These will follow a few weeks later. In fact: we will not send you these DLLs but will deliver a tool that will create personalid versions of these DLLs for you which include your Visual Objects username and serial number, to avoid legal and copyright issues. That means that without valid VO installation you will not be able to create these DLLs.
Like all organizations we have revised our privacy policy because of the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
We have decided not to spam you with emails that you will throw away without reading anyway. This is the only announcement of this new privacy policy.
If you want to read the policy click here.
ILSpy is the open-source .NET assembly browser and decompiler, and as shown during the xBase Future 2018, you can now use ILSpy to view and decompile .NET assembly as XSharp Language.
To do so, first get the ILSpy binaries and unzip them in a folder.
Then get the ILSpy Plugin in the Downloads/General/Tools section, and unzip the DLL in the same folder as the ILSpy Binaries.
Now, when running ISpy, you can set the language as XSharp.
The full source code of the Plugin is available in the public XSharp Repository on Github; you can also view there the current state of developement of the tool ( What is working currently, Changelog, ... )
At the XBase.Future conference we have talked with you about our plans for 2018.
For those of you that could not make it to the conference we have uploaded the presentations to this webserver.
Many of you have asked about the planning for the release of the runtime. The short version of this is below.
More information about what is in each of the components can be found in a blog article on this website
Finally, some people have asked us how they can contribute to the source code of the runtime and/or visual studio integration. Please look at this article for more information.
Just a short message to tell all of you that we have had a great conference XBase Future 2018 in Cologne this week. The conference was very well organized and there were a lot of great topics. And of course the "after session" time was also worth the trip.
We have used the occasion to speak with customers about our plans for X# for the coming years. We have shown a beta version of the X# runtime, including the macro compiler and we have received very valuable feedback during our sessions. Fabrice has also shown his new plugin for IlSpy that allows you to decompile any .Net assembly into X# code, Very useful!
Some of the customers have shared their success stories about how they have used X# and its tools to move their applications from Visual Objects to .Net. We have also seen some very nice apps running in .Net compiled with X#. We love to see and hear these success stories !
Please give us a few days to recover and organise things at home and then we will share the announcements we did in Cologne as well as the roadmap etc. in the form of messages and downloads on this website.
Click here to see some pictures of the event
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