
SQLProperty 枚举

Enum that matches the various FoxPro Sql properties, used in SqlGetProp() and SqlSetProp()

命名空间:  XSharp.RDD
程序集:  XSharp.Core (在 XSharp.Core.dll 中) 版本:2.22 GA
 enum SQLProperty
Asynchronous0Specifies whether result sets are returned synchronously.
BatchMode1Specifies whether SqlExec( ) returns result sets all at once (True (.T.), the default), or individually with SqlMoreResults( ) (False (.F.)).
ConnectBusy2Contains True (.T.) if a shared connection is busy; otherwise contains False (.F.).
ConnectString3The login connection string.
ConnectTimeOut4Specifies the time to wait (in seconds) before returning a connection time-out error. If you specify 0, the wait is indefinite and a time-out error is never returned. ConnectTimeOut can be 0 to 600. The default is 15.
DataSource5The name of the data source as defined in the ODBC.INI file.
DisconnectRollback6Specifies if a pending transaction is committed or rolled back when SqlDisconnect( ) is called for the last connection handle.
DispLogin7Contains a numeric value that determines when the ODBC Login dialog box is displayed.
DispWarnings8Specifies if error messages are displayed (True (.T.)) or are not displayed (False (.F.), the default).
IdleTimeout9The idle timeout interval in minutes. Active connections are deactivated after the specified time interval. The default value is 0 (wait indefinitely).
NativeCommand10The native commandtext in the SQLStatement object.
ODBChdbc11The internal ODBC connection, which may be used by external code to call ODBC.
ODBChstmt12The internal ODBC statement , which may be used by external code to call ODBC.
PacketSize13The size of the network packet used by the connection. Adjusting this value can improve performance. The default value is 4096 bytes (4K).
Password14The connection password.
QueryTimeOut15Specifies the time to wait (in seconds) before returning a general time-out error. If you specify 0 (the default), the wait is indefinite and a time-out error is never returned. QueryTimeOut can be 0 to 600.
Shared16Specifies whether the underlying connection is a shared connection (True (.T.)), or not (False (.F.)).
Transactions17Contains a numeric value that determines how the connection manages transactions on the remote table.
UserId18The user identification.
WaitTime19The amount of time in milliseconds that elapses before Visual FoxPro checks if the SQL statement has completed executing. The default is 100 milliseconds.