| 成员名称 | 值 | 说明 |
| Null | 0 | Null (Internal) |
| Path | 1 | The relative path with respect to the DBC to the table including the name of the file. |
| Class | 2 | Class (Internal) |
| Unknown_3 | 3 | Not defined |
| Unknown_4 | 4 | Not defined |
| Unknown_5 | 5 | Not defined |
| Unknown_6 | 6 | Not defined |
| Comment | 7 | The text of the field comment. (C) |
| Unknown_8 | 8 | Not defined |
| RuleExpression | 9 | The rule expression. (C) |
| RuleText | 10 | The row rule error text.(C) |
| DefaultValue | 11 | The field default value.(C) |
| ParameterList | 12 | The WHERE clause parameters. The format for the parameters is ''ParameterName1, 'Type1'; ParameterName2, 'Type2'; ...'' |
| RelatedChild | 13 | ChildTag for a Relation Object |
| InsertTrigger | 14 | The Insert trigger expression. |
| UpdateTrigger | 15 | The Update trigger expression. |
| DeleteTrigger | 16 | The Delete trigger expression. |
| IsUnique | 17 | The IsUnique flag for an Index Object |
| RelatedTable | 18 | Related table for a Relation Object |
| RelatedTag | 19 | Related tag for a Relatin Object |
| PrimaryKey | 20 | The tag name of the primary key. (C) |
| Unknown_21 | 21 | Not defined |
| Unknown_22 | 22 | Not defined |
| Unknown_23 | 23 | Not defined |
| Version | 24 | The database version number. (N) |
| Unknown_25 | 25 | Not defined |
| Unknown_26 | 26 | Not defined |
| Unknown_27 | 27 | Not defined |
| BatchUpdateCount | 28 | The number of update statements sent to the back end for views. 1 is the default. Adjusting this value can greatly increase update performance. (N) |
| DataSource | 29 | The name of the data source as defined in the Odbc.ini file. |
| Unknown_30 | 30 | Not defined |
| Unknown_31 | 31 | Not defined |
| ConnectName | 32 | The named connection used when the view is opened. (C) |
| Unknown_33 | 33 | Not defined |
| Unknown_34 | 34 | Not defined |
| UpdateName | 35 | The name of the field used when data in the field is updated to the remote table. By default, the remote table field name.Read/write. |
| FetchMemo | 36 | Contains true (.T.) (default) if memo and general fields are fetched with the view results; otherwise, contains false (.F.). |
| FetchSize | 37 | Contains the number of records fetched at a time from the remote tables. The default is 100 records. Setting FetchSize to –1 retrieves the complete result set, limited by the MaxRecords setting |
| KeyField | 38 | Contains True (.T.) if the field is specified in an index key expression; otherwise, contains False (.F.). (L) |
| MaxRecords | 39 | The maximum number of records fetched when result sets are returned. (N) The default is – 1 (all rows are returned). A value of 0 specifies that the view is executed but no results are fetched. |
| ShareConnection | 40 | Contains true (.T.) if the view can share its connection handle with other connections; otherwise, contains false (.F.). |
| SourceType | 41 | The view source. (N) SourceType may assume the following values: 1 - The view uses local tables.2 - The view uses remote tables. |
| SQL | 42 | The SQL statement executed when the view is opened.(C) |
| Tables | 43 | A comma-delimited list of the names of the tables.(C) |
| SendUpdates | 44 | Contains true (.T.) if a SQL update query is sent to update remote tables; otherwise, contains false (.F.) (default). |
| Updatable | 45 | Contains True (.T.) if the field can be updated; otherwise, contains False (.F.). |
| UpdateType | 46 | The update type. Valid values are: 1 or DB_UPDATE (from Foxpro.h). The old data is updated with the new data (default). 2 or DB_DELETEINSERT (from Foxpro.h). The old data is deleted and the new data is inserted. |
| UseMemoSize | 47 | The minimum size (in bytes) for which result columns are returned in memo fields. For example, if the width of a column result is greater than the value of UseMemoSize, the column result is stored in a memo field. UseMemoSize may vary from 1 to 255; the default value is 255. |
| WhereType | 48 | The WHERE clause for updates to remote tables.WhereType may assume the following values: 1 or DB_KEY , 2 or DB_KEYANDUPDATABLE, 3 or DB_KEYANDMODIFIED and 4 or DB_KEYANDTIMESTAMP |
| Unknown_49 | 49 | Not defined |
| DisplayClass | 50 | Name of the class used for field mapping. (C) |
| DisplayClassLibrary | 51 | Path to the class library specified with the DisplayClass property.(C) |
| Unknown_52 | 52 | Not defined |
| Unknown_53 | 53 | Not defined |
| InputMask | 54 | The field input format. (C) .Read/write. |
| Format | 55 | The field display format. (C) .Read/write. |
| Caption | 56 | The field caption. (C) If an equal sign (=) precedes the value of this property, Visual FoxPro evaluates the value as an expression. Otherwise, it is treated as a string literal.Read/write. FIELD |
| Unknown_57 | 57 | Not defined |
| Unknown_58 | 58 | Not defined |
| Unknown_59 | 59 | Not defined |
| Unknown_60 | 60 | Not defined |
| Unknown_61 | 61 | Not defined |
| Unknown_62 | 62 | Not defined |
| Unknown_63 | 63 | Not defined |
| Asynchronous | 64 | The connection mode. (Default) False (.F.) specifies a synchronous connection. True (.T.) specifies an asynchronous connection.Read/write. |
| BatchMode | 65 | The batch-processing mode. (Default) True (.T.) specifies the connection that operates in batch mode. |
| ConnectString | 66 | The login connection string. |
| ConnectTimeout | 67 | The connection timeout interval in seconds. The default is 0 (wait indefinitely). |
| DispLogin | 68 | Contains a numeric value that determines when the ODBC Login dialog box is displayed. |
| DispWarnings | 69 | Contains a numeric value that determines when the ODBC Login dialog box is displayed. |
| IdleTimeout | 70 | The idle timeout interval in minutes. Timeout is checked no more than once per minute, therefore it is possible that active connections might deactivate one or two minutes later after the specified time interval has elapsed. The default value is 0 (wait indefinitely). |
| QueryTimeOut | 71 | The query timeout interval in seconds. The default value is 0 (wait indefinitely). |
| Password | 72 | The connection password. |
| Transactions | 73 | Contains a numeric value that determines how the connection manages transactions on the remote table. |
| UserId | 74 | The user identification. |
| WaitTime | 75 | The amount of time in milliseconds that elapses before Visual FoxPro checks whether the SQL statement has completed executing. |
| TimeStamp | 76 | Timestamp (internal) |
| DataType | 77 | The data type for a field in a view. Initially set to the data type for the field in the data source. |
| PacketSize | 78 | The size of the network packet used by the connection. Adjusting this value can improve performance. The default value is 4096 bytes (4K). |
| Database | 79 | The name of the server database specified with the DATABASE clause in the CREATE CONNECTION command or in the Connection Designer. |
| Prepared | 80 | Contains True (.T.) if SQL statements are prepared for subsequent REQUERY( ) function calls. REQUERY( ) is used to retrieve data again for a SQL view. See SQLPREPARE( ) for additional information about preparing SQL statements. The default is false (.F.). |
| CompareMemo | 81 | Contains true (.T.) (default) if memo fields (of type Memo, General, or Picture, or, for remote views, type Timestamp) are included in the WHERE clause for updates; otherwise, contains false (.F.).Read/write. |
| FetchAsNeeded | 82 | If True (.T.), data is fetched only when needed, such as when record pointer moves to a row that has not been fetched. If False (.F.), additional data is fetched during idle time. (Default) |
| Unknown_83 | 83 | Not defined |
| OfflineRecs | 84 | When this property is found the table is offline. The Path property then returns the OffLinePath |
| OfflineRemRecs | 85 | # of remote records offline. |
| DBCEventFileName | 86 | Relative path and filename of external program file containing DBC Events code. (C) |
| DBCEvents | 87 | Enabled state of DBC Events. Set to True (.T.) to enable. (L) |
| AllowSimultaneousFetch | 88 | Applies when using remote views, a shared connection, and to cursors created using ODBC. |
| DisconnectRollback | 89 | Specifies if a pending transaction is committed or rolled back when SQLDISCONNECT( ) is called for the last connection handle. |
| OffLine | 99 | Is the table offline (this is not stored as a real property but derived from the extistence of the properties OfflineRecs, OfflineRemRecs and Path. |
| ColumnName | 100 | X# Column Name property (not persisted in DBC) |