Functions, Globals and Defines |
Namespace: XSharp.VFP
The Functions type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |||
AClass | -- todo -- | |||
ADatabases |
Places the names of all open databases and their paths into a variable array.
| |||
ADBObjects | -- todo -- | |||
AddBs | Adds a backslash (if needed) to a path expression. | |||
AddProperty |
Adds a new property to an object at run time. You can use AddProperty( ) to add properties and their values to valid X# objects, including those created from X# classes, COM classes, and the SCATTER...NAME command. | |||
ADel(Array, Long, Long) |
Deletes an element from a one-dimensional array, or a row or column from a two-dimensional array.
| |||
ADel(FoxArray, Long, Long) |
Deletes an element from a one-dimensional array, or a row or column from a two-dimensional array.
| |||
ADLLS | Obsolete. | |||
ADOCKSTATE | Obsolete. | |||
AElement(FoxArray, DWord) |
Returns the number of an array element from the element's subscripts.
| |||
AElement(FoxArray, DWord, DWord) |
Returns the number of an array element from the element's subscripts.
| |||
AERROR | Obsolete. | |||
AEVENTS | Obsolete. | |||
AFONT | Obsolete. | |||
AGETCLASS | Obsolete. | |||
AGetFileVersion | -- todo -- | |||
AIns(Array, DWord, DWord) |
Inserts an element into a one-dimensional array, or a row or column into a two-dimensional array.
| |||
AIns(FoxArray, DWord, DWord) |
Inserts an element into a one-dimensional array, or a row or column into a two-dimensional array.
| |||
AINSTANCE | Obsolete. | |||
ALANGUAGE | Obsolete. | |||
ALen(FoxArray) |
Returns the number of elements, rows, or columns in an array.
| |||
ALen(FoxArray, Long) |
Returns the number of elements, rows, or columns in an array.
| |||
ALines | -- todo -- | |||
AllTrim |
Remove leading and trailing spaces from a string.
| |||
AMembers | -- todo -- | |||
AMOUSEOBJ | Obsolete. | |||
ANetResources | -- todo -- | |||
APrinters |
Stores information about currently-available printers into an array. The behavior of this function is OS (operating system) - specific. X# may or may not check to see if the printers are actually connected to your computer when it prepares this list, and the list may include all printers installed as printer setups, or only those available on the current network. | |||
APROCINFO | Obsolete. | |||
ASELOBJ | Obsolete. | |||
ASessions | -- todo -- | |||
ASize | ||||
ASqlHandles |
Stores numeric references to all active SQL connection statement handles in an array.
| |||
AStackInfo | -- todo -- | |||
ASubScript |
Returns the row or column subscript of an element from the element's number.
| |||
At | Returns the beginning numeric position of the first occurrence of a character expression or memo field within another character expression or memo field, counting from the leftmost character. | |||
At_C | Returns the beginning numeric position of the first occurrence of a character expression or memo field within another character expression or memo field, counting from the leftmost character. | |||
ATagInfo | -- todo -- | |||
AtC | Returns the beginning numeric position of the first occurrence of a character expression or memo field within another character expression or memo field, without regard for the case of these two expressions. | |||
AtCC | Returns the beginning numeric position of the first occurrence of a character expression or memo field within another character expression or memo field, without regard for the case of these two expressions. | |||
AUsed | -- todo -- | |||
AVCXCLASSES | Obsolete. | |||
BagCount |
Returns the number of open .cdx files.
| |||
BAR | Obsolete. | |||
BARCOUNT | Obsolete. | |||
BARPROMPT | Obsolete. | |||
BINDEVENT | Obsolete. | |||
BinToc | ||||
BitAnd(Long, Long) |
Performs a bitwise AND operation on two or more values of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the result.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
| |||
BitAnd(Binary, Binary) |
Performs a bitwise AND operation on two or more values of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the result.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
| |||
BitAnd(Usual, Usual) |
Performs a bitwise AND operation on two or more values of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the result.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
| |||
BitClear(Binary) |
Clears the specified bit in a Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob value by setting it to 0 and returns the resulting value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before performing the operation.
| |||
BitClear(Usual) |
Clears the specified bit in a Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob value by setting it to 0 and returns the resulting value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before performing the operation.
| |||
BitClear(Long, Long) |
Clears the specified bit in a Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob value by setting it to 0 and returns the resulting value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before performing the operation.
| |||
BitClear(Binary, Long) |
Clears the specified bit in a Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob value by setting it to 0 and returns the resulting value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before performing the operation.
| |||
BitClear(Usual, Usual) |
Clears the specified bit in a Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob value by setting it to 0 and returns the resulting value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before performing the operation.
| |||
BitClear(Binary, Long, Long) |
Clears the specified bit in a Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob value by setting it to 0 and returns the resulting value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before performing the operation.
| |||
BitClear(Usual, Usual, Usual) |
Clears the specified bit in a Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob value by setting it to 0 and returns the resulting value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before performing the operation.
| |||
BitLShift(Long, Long) |
Moves bits in a numeric value to the left by the specified number of positions and returns the resulting value.
If the specified expressions are not integers, they are converted to integers before performing the operation.
| |||
BitLShift(Usual, Usual) |
Moves bits in a numeric value to the left by the specified number of positions and returns the resulting value.
If the specified expressions are not integers, they are converted to integers before performing the operation.
| |||
BitNot(Long) |
Performs a bitwise NOT operation on a value of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the bitwise complement on the specified value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before performing the operation.
| |||
BitNot(Binary) |
Performs a bitwise NOT operation on a value of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the bitwise complement on the specified value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before performing the operation.
| |||
BitNot(Usual) |
Performs a bitwise NOT operation on a value of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the bitwise complement on the specified value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before performing the operation.
| |||
BitNot(Binary, Long, Long) |
Performs a bitwise NOT operation on a value of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the bitwise complement on the specified value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before performing the operation.
| |||
BitOr(Long, Long) |
Perform a bitwise inclusive OR operation on two or more values of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the result.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
| |||
BitOr(Binary, Binary) |
Perform a bitwise inclusive OR operation on two or more values of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the result.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
| |||
BitOr(Usual, Usual) |
Perform a bitwise inclusive OR operation on two or more values of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the result.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
| |||
BitRShift |
Moves bits in a numeric value to the right by the specified number of positions and returns the resulting value.
If the specified expressions are not integers, they are converted to integers before performing the operation.
| |||
BitSet(Binary) |
Sets a bit to 1 in a value of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the resulting value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax. If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before setting the bit. | |||
BitSet(Usual) |
Sets a bit to 1 in a value of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the resulting value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax. If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before setting the bit. | |||
BitSet(Long, Long) |
Sets a bit to 1 in a value of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the resulting value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax. If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before setting the bit. | |||
BitSet(Binary, Long) |
Sets a bit to 1 in a value of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the resulting value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax. If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before setting the bit. | |||
BitSet(Usual, Usual) |
Sets a bit to 1 in a value of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the resulting value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax. If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before setting the bit. | |||
BitSet(Binary, Long, Long) |
Sets a bit to 1 in a value of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the resulting value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax. If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before setting the bit. | |||
BitSet(Usual, Usual, Usual) |
Sets a bit to 1 in a value of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the resulting value.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax. If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before setting the bit. | |||
BitTest(Long, Long) |
Determines whether a specific bit in a Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob value is set to 1.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before performing the operation.
| |||
BitTest(Binary, Long) |
Determines whether a specific bit in a Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob value is set to 1.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before performing the operation.
| |||
BitTest(Usual, Usual) |
Determines whether a specific bit in a Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob value is set to 1.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
If the specified expression is not an integer, it is converted to an integer before performing the operation.
| |||
BitXor(Long, Long) |
Perform a bitwise exclusive OR operation on two or more values of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the result.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
| |||
BitXor(Binary, Binary) |
Perform a bitwise exclusive OR operation on two or more values of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the result.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
| |||
BitXor(Usual, Usual) |
Perform a bitwise exclusive OR operation on two or more values of Numeric, Varbinary, or Blob type and returns the result.
There is a numeric and a binary version of the syntax.
| |||
Candidate | ||||
CapsLock |
Returns the current mode of the CAPS Lock key or sets the CAPS Lock key mode on or off.
| |||
CapsLock(Logic) |
Returns the current mode of the CAPS Lock key or sets the CAPS Lock key mode on or off.
| |||
Cdx |
Returns the names of the open compound index (.cdx) file that has the specified index position number.
| |||
Ceiling | -- todo -- | |||
ChrTran |
Replaces each character in a character expression that matches a character in a second character expression with the corresponding character in a third character expression.
| |||
ChrTranC |
Replaces each character in a character expression that matches a character in a second character expression with the corresponding character in a third character expression.
| |||
COMARRAY | Obsolete. | |||
COMCLASSINFO | Obsolete. | |||
CompObj | -- todo -- | |||
COMPROP | Obsolete. | |||
COMRETURNERROR | Obsolete. | |||
CpConvert | -- todo -- | |||
CpCurrent | Obsolete. -- todo -- | |||
CpDbf |
Returns the code page with which an open table has been marked.
| |||
CREATEBINARY | Obsolete. -- todo -- | |||
CreateObject | Creates an object from a class definition or an Automation-enabled application. | |||
CreateObjectEx |
Creates an instance of a registered COM object (such as a X# Automation server) on a remote computer.
| |||
CreateOffline | -- todo -- | |||
CToBin | -- todo -- | |||
CToT | -- todo -- | |||
CursorGetProp | -- todo -- | |||
CursorSetProp | -- todo -- | |||
CursorToXML | -- todo -- | |||
CurVal | -- todo -- | |||
DbAlias |
Returns database alias of currently set database.
| |||
DbAppDelimFox | ||||
DbAppendFromArray | ||||
DbAppFox | ||||
Dbc |
Returns the name and path of the current database.
| |||
DbCopyDelimFox | ||||
DbCopyFox | ||||
DbCopyStructFox | ||||
DbCopyToArray | ||||
DbCopyXStructFox | ||||
DbGetProp |
Retrieves the value of a property for the current database or for fields, named connections, tables, or views in the current database.
| |||
DbSeekFox | ||||
DbSetProp |
Sets a property for the current database or for fields, named connections, tables, or views in the current database.
| |||
DbSortFox |
Copy records to a database file in sorted order.
| |||
DbUseAreaFox |
Open a database file.
| |||
DbUsed |
Returns true (.T.) if the specified database is open.
| |||
DDEAbortTrans | Obsolete. | |||
DDEAdvise | Obsolete. | |||
DDEEnabled | Obsolete. | |||
DDEExecute | Obsolete. | |||
DDEInitiate | Obsolete. | |||
DDELastError | Obsolete. | |||
DDEPoke | Obsolete. | |||
DDERequest | Obsolete. | |||
DDESetOption | Obsolete. | |||
DDESetService | Obsolete. | |||
DDESetTopic | Obsolete. | |||
DDETerminate | Obsolete. | |||
DefaultExt | -- todo -- | |||
Descending |
Returns a logical value that indicates whether an index tag was created with the Descending keyword
or whether the Descending keyword was included in Use, Set Index, or Set Order.
| |||
Difference | -- todo -- | |||
DisplayPath | -- todo -- | |||
DMY(DateTime) |
Returns a character expression in day-month-year format (for example, 31 May 1998) from a Date or DateTime expression. The month name isn't abbreviated.
| |||
DMY(Date) |
Returns a character expression in day-month-year format (for example, 31 May 1998) from a Date or DateTime expression. The month name isn't abbreviated.
| |||
DriveType | -- todo -- | |||
DropOffLine | -- todo -- | |||
DToT |
Returns a DateTime value from a Date expression.
| |||
EDITSOURCE | Obsolete. | |||
ERROR | Obsolete. | |||
EVENTHANDLER | Obsolete. | |||
Returns a non-empty value from two expressions. You can use the EVL( ) function to return an appropriate substitute value instead of an empty value, such as False (.F.) or 0, from two expressions. You can also use this functionality to remove empty values from calculations or operations where empty values are not supported or relevant. The X# Logical value, False (.F.), and the Numeric value of 0 also evaluate to empty. | |||
Field |
Returns the name of a field, referenced by number, in a table.
| |||
FileToStr(String) |
Returns the contents of a file as a character string.
| |||
FileToStr(String, Long) |
Returns the contents of a file as a character string.
| |||
Filter |
Returns the table filter expression specified in Set Filter.
| |||
FKLABEL | Obsolete. | |||
FKMAX | Obsolete. | |||
FldCount |
This function is a synonym to FCount() Function.
| |||
FldList | -- todo -- | |||
FontMetric | -- todo -- | |||
For |
Returns the index filter expression, in uppercase, of an open single-entry index (.idx) file or an index tag.
| |||
ForceExt(String, String) |
Returns a string with the old file name extension replaced by a new extension.
| |||
ForceExt(String, String, Logic) |
Returns a string with the old file name extension replaced by a new extension.
| |||
ForcePath |
Returns a file name with a new path name substituted for the old one.
| |||
FullPath | -- todo -- | |||
FV |
Returns the future value of a financial investment.
| |||
GetAutoIncValue | ||||
GETBAR | Obsolete. | |||
GetColor |
Displays the Windows Color dialog box and returns the color number of the chosen color.
| |||
GetCp | -- todo -- | |||
GetCursorAdapter | -- todo -- | |||
GetDir | -- todo -- | |||
GetFile | -- todo -- | |||
GetFldState | -- todo -- | |||
GetFont |
Displays the Font dialog box and returns information about the font you choose.
| |||
GETINTERFACE | Obsolete. | |||
GetNextModified | -- todo -- | |||
GetObject | -- todo -- | |||
GETPAD | Obsolete. | |||
GETPEM | Obsolete. | |||
GetPict | -- todo -- | |||
GetPrinter | -- todo -- | |||
GetResultSet | -- todo -- | |||
GetWordCount(String) |
Counts the words in a string.
| |||
GetWordCount(String, String) |
Counts the words in a string.
| |||
GetWordNum(String, Long) |
Returns a specified word from a string.
| |||
GetWordNum(String, Long, String) |
Returns a specified word from a string.
| |||
GoMonth(DateTime, Long) |
Returns the date that is a specified number of months before or after a given Date or Date/Time expression.
| |||
GoMonth(Date, Long) |
Returns the date that is a specified number of months before or after a given Date or Date/Time expression.
| |||
HOME | Obsolete. | |||
Hour |
Returns the hour portion from a DateTime expression.
| |||
ICase |
Evaluates the results from a list of conditions (upto 100 pairs are supported).
| |||
Id | -- todo -- | |||
IdxCollate |
Returns the collating sequence for an index or index tag.
| |||
ImeStatus | -- todo -- | |||
InDbc | -- todo -- | |||
IndexSeek | -- todo -- | |||
INKEY | Obsolete. | |||
InputBox | -- todo -- | |||
InsMode |
Returns the current insert mode, or sets the insert mode on or off.
| |||
InsMode(Logic) |
Returns the current insert mode, or sets the insert mode on or off.
| |||
IsBlank | -- todo -- | |||
IsColor |
Determines whether a computer can display color.
| |||
IsExclusive | -- todo -- | |||
IsFlocked |
Returns the table lock status.
| |||
ISLEADBYTE | Obsolete. | |||
IsMemoFetched | -- todo -- | |||
IsMouse |
Returns true (.T.) if mouse hardware is present.
| |||
IsNull | -- todo -- | |||
IsPen | -- todo -- | |||
IsReadOnly |
Determines whether a table or database is opened read-only.
| |||
IsRlocked |
Returns the record lock status.
| |||
IsTransactable | -- todo -- | |||
JustDrive | Returns the drive letter from a complete path. | |||
JustExt(String) | Returns the characters of a file extension from a complete path. | |||
JustExt(String, Logic) | Returns the drive letter from a complete path. | |||
JustFName | Returns the file name portion of a complete path and file name. | |||
JustPath | Returns the path portion of a complete path and file name. | |||
JustStem | Returns the stem name (the file name before the extension) from a complete path and file name. | |||
Key |
Returns the index key expression for an index tag or index file.
| |||
KeyMatch | -- todo -- | |||
LASTKEY | Obsolete. | |||
LeftC |
Returns a specified number of characters from a character expression, starting with the leftmost character.
| |||
LenC |
Returns the number of characters in a character expression or memo field.
| |||
LikeC |
Determines whether a character expression matches another character expression.
| |||
LineNo | -- todo -- | |||
LoadPicture | -- todo -- | |||
LocFile | -- todo -- | |||
Lock |
Attempts to lock one or more records in a table.
| |||
Lookup | -- todo -- | |||
LTrim |
Remove leading spaces from a string.
| |||
MakeTransactable | -- todo -- | |||
Mdx |
Returns the name of the open .cdx compound index file that has the specified index position number.
| |||
MDY(DateTime) |
Returns a character expression in day-month-year format (for example, 31 May 1998) from a Date or DateTime expression. The month name isn't abbreviated.
| |||
MDY(Date) |
Returns the specified date or datetime expression in month-day-year format with the name of the month spelled out.
| |||
MEMORY | Obsolete. | |||
MENU | Obsolete. | |||
MESSAGE | Obsolete. | |||
MessageBox |
Displays a user-defined dialog box.
| |||
Minute |
Returns the minute portion from a DateTime expression.
| |||
MkDir | ||||
MRKBAR | Obsolete. | |||
MRKPAD | Obsolete. | |||
MROW | Obsolete. | |||
MToN |
Returns a Numeric value from a Currency expression.
| |||
MWINDOW | Obsolete. | |||
Ndx |
Returns the name of an open index (.IDX) file for the current or specified table.
| |||
NewObject | -- todo -- | |||
Normalize | -- todo -- | |||
NToM |
Returns a Currency value from a Numeric expression.
| |||
NumLock |
Returns the current mode of the Num Lock key or sets the mode of the Num Lock key on or off.
| |||
NumLock(Logic) |
Returns the current mode of the Num Lock key or sets the mode of the Num Lock key on or off.
| |||
Returns a non-null value from two expressions.
| |||
OBJTOCLIENT | Obsolete. | |||
OldVal | -- todo -- | |||
ON | Obsolete. | |||
Order |
Returns the name of the controlling index file or tag for the current or specified table.
| |||
PAD | Obsolete. | |||
PADPROMPT | Obsolete. | |||
PARAMETERS | Obsolete. | |||
Payment |
Returns the amount of each periodic payment on a fixed-interest loan.
| |||
PCol | -- todo -- | |||
PEMSTATUS | Obsolete. | |||
POPUP | Obsolete. | |||
Primary | -- todo -- | |||
PRINTSTATUS | Obsolete. | |||
PRMBAR | Obsolete. | |||
PRMPAD | Obsolete. | |||
Program |
Returns the name of the program at a specified program level, the name of the currently executing program, the current program level,
or the name of the program executing when an error occurred.
| |||
PROMPT | Obsolete. | |||
PRow | -- todo -- | |||
PrtInfo | -- todo -- | |||
PutFile | -- todo -- | |||
PV |
Returns the present value of an investment.
| |||
Quarter(DateTime, Long) |
Returns the quarter of the year in which a date or datetime expression occurs.
| |||
Quarter(Date, Long) |
Returns the quarter of the year in which a date or datetime expression occurs.
| |||
RaiseEvent | -- todo -- | |||
RAt |
Returns the numeric position of the last occurrence of a character expression or memo field within another character expression or memo field.
| |||
RAtC |
Returns the numeric position of the last occurrence of a character expression or memo field within another character expression or memo field.
| |||
RDLEVEL | Obsolete. | |||
READKEY | Obsolete. | |||
Refresh | -- todo -- | |||
RegisterFoxMemVarSupport | ||||
Relation |
Returns a specified relational expression for a table that is open in a specific work area.
| |||
RemoveProperty |
Removes a property from an object at run time.
| |||
Requery | -- todo -- | |||
RgbScheme | -- todo -- | |||
RightC |
Returns the specified number of rightmost characters from a character string.
| |||
RTrim |
Remove trailing spaces from a string.
| |||
SavePicture | -- todo -- | |||
Scheme | -- todo -- | |||
SCOLS | Obsolete. | |||
Sec |
Returns the seconds portion from a DateTime expression.
| |||
Seek | -- todo -- | |||
SetFldState | -- todo -- | |||
SetFoxCollation | ||||
SetResultSet | -- todo -- | |||
SetTextFile |
Open/Close the file to which TEXT .. ENDTEXT values are written
| |||
SetTextMerge |
Retrieve the setting that determines if TextMerge is active
| |||
SetTextMerge(Logic) |
Change the setting that determines if TextMerge is active
| |||
SetTextMergeDelimiters |
Read the TextMerge delimiters
| |||
SetTextMergeDelimiters(String, String) |
Change the TextMerge delimiters
| |||
ShowFoxArray | Dump the contents of an array to the terminal window | |||
Sign |
Returns a numeric value of 1, –1, or 0 if the specified numeric expression evaluates to a positive, negative, or 0 value.
| |||
SKPBAR | Obsolete. | |||
SKPPAD | Obsolete. | |||
SqlCancel |
Requests cancellation of an executing SQL statement.
| |||
SqlColumns |
Stores a list of column names and information about each column for the specified data source table to a X# cursor.
| |||
SqlCommit |
Commits a transaction.
| |||
SqlConnect(Long) |
Establishes a connection to a data source.
| |||
SqlConnect(String, Usual, Usual, Usual) |
Establishes a connection to a data source.
| |||
SqlDisconnect |
Terminates a connection to a data source.
| |||
SqlExec |
Sends a SQL statement to the data source, where the statement is processed.
| |||
SqlGetProp(Long, Long) |
Retrieves the current or default settings for an active connection.
| |||
SqlGetProp(Long, String) |
Retrieves the current or default settings for an active connection.
| |||
SqlIdleDisconnect | -- todo -- | |||
SqlMoreResults |
Copies another result set to a X# cursor if more result sets are available.
| |||
SqlParameters | ||||
SqlPrepare |
Prepares a SQL statement for remote execution by SqlExec( ).
| |||
SqlRollBack |
Cancels any changes made during the current transaction.
| |||
SqlSetFactory |
This function allows you to choose the Ado.Net provider that is used for the subsequent SqlConnect() or SqlStringConnect() calls.
| |||
SqlSetFactory(String) |
This function allows you to choose the Ado.Net provider that is used for the subsequent SqlConnect() or SqlStringConnect() calls.
| |||
SqlSetFactory(ISqlFactory) |
This function allows you to choose the Ado.Net provider that is used for the subsequent SqlConnect() or SqlStringConnect() calls.
| |||
SqlSetProp(Long, Long, Usual) |
Specifies settings for an active connection. You can use SqlSetProp( ) to specify settings at the connection level.
To specify application default settings at the environment level, include 0 as the statement handle.
| |||
SqlSetProp(Long, String, Usual) |
Specifies settings for an active connection. You can use SqlSetProp( ) to specify settings at the connection level.
To specify application default settings at the environment level, include 0 as the statement handle.
| |||
SqlStringConnect(Logic) |
Establishes a connection to a data source using a connection string.
| |||
SqlStringConnect(String) |
Establishes a connection to a data source using a connection string.
| |||
SqlStringConnect(String, Logic) |
Establishes a connection to a data source using a connection string.
| |||
SqlTables |
Stores the names of tables in a data source to a X# cursor.
| |||
SROWS | Obsolete. | |||
Str | ||||
StrConv | -- todo -- | |||
StrExtract | -- todo -- | |||
StrToFile(String, String) |
Writes the contents of a character string to a file.
| |||
StrToFile(String, String, Logic) |
Writes the contents of a character string to a file.
| |||
StrToFile(String, String, Long) |
Writes the contents of a character string to a file.
| |||
StuffC |
Returns a character string created by replacing a specified number of characters in a character expression with another character expression.
| |||
SubStrC |
Returns a character string from the given character expression or memo field.
| |||
Sys | -- todo -- | |||
SysMetric | -- todo -- | |||
TableRevert | -- todo -- | |||
TableUpdate | -- todo -- | |||
Tag |
Returns a tag name from an open compound index (.cdx) file or the name of an open single-entry (.idx) index file.
| |||
TagCount |
Returns the number of .cdx compound index file tags and open .idx single-entry index files.
| |||
TagNo |
Returns the index position for .cdx compound index file tags and open .idx single-entry index files.
| |||
Target |
Returns the alias of a table that is the target for a relation as specified in the Into clause of Set RELATION.
| |||
TextMerge |
Provides evaluation of a character expression.
| |||
Transform | ||||
Trim |
Remove trailing spaces from a string.
| |||
TToC | -- todo -- | |||
TToD |
Returns a Date value from a DateTime expression.
| |||
TxnLevel | -- todo -- | |||
TxtWidth | -- todo -- | |||
UNBINDEVENTS | Obsolete. | |||
Unique |
Included for compatibility with dBASE.
| |||
UPDATED | Obsolete. | |||
VARREAD | Obsolete. | |||
VarType(Usual) |
Returns the data type of an expression.
| |||
VarType(Usual, Logic) |
Returns the data type of an expression.
| |||
WBORDER | Obsolete. | |||
WCHILD | Obsolete. | |||
WCOLS | Obsolete. | |||
WDOCKABLE | Obsolete. | |||
Week(DateTime, Long, Long) |
Returns a number representing the week of the year from a Date or DateTime expression.
| |||
Week(Date, Long, Long) |
Returns a number representing the week of the year from a Date or DateTime expression.
| |||
WEXIST | Obsolete. | |||
WFONT | Obsolete. | |||
WLAST | Obsolete. | |||
WLCOL | Obsolete. | |||
WLROW | Obsolete. | |||
WMAXIMUM | Obsolete. | |||
WMINIMUM | Obsolete. | |||
WONTOP | Obsolete. | |||
WOUTPUT | Obsolete. | |||
WPARENT | Obsolete. | |||
WREAD | Obsolete. | |||
WROWS | Obsolete. | |||
WTITLE | Obsolete. | |||
WVISIBLE | Obsolete. | |||
XmlToCursor | -- todo -- | |||
XmlUpdatefram | -- todo -- |
Name | Description | |
_ASCIICOLS | Specifies the number of columns in an ASCII text file created with the ASCII keyword in the REPORT FORM command. | |
_ASCIIROWS | Specifies the number of rows in an ASCII text file created with the ASCII keyword in the REPORT FORM command. | |
_MLINE | Contains the memo field offset for the MLINE( ) function. | |
_PAGENO | Contains the current page number. | |
_PAGETOTAL | Contains the total number of pages in a report. | |
_PRETEXT | Specifies a character expression to preface text merge lines. | |
_TALLY | Contains the number of records processed by the most recently executed table command. | |
_TEXT | File handle for the output file for the TEXT .. ENDTEXT and \ and \\ commands. | |
_TRIGGERLEVEL | Contains a numeric value indicating the current trigger procedure nesting level. |