BtTable Class

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BtTable Class

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Strongly typed class that handles I/O to Btrieve Tables














AppendingAre we in Append mode ?
BOFIs table at BOF ?
ClientIdGet the client Id that was used to open this table
CurrStructName of current active structure definition
DataPtrPointer to the databuffer of the table.
DataSizeData Length of current record
DeletedIs the current record deleted ?
EOFIs table at EOF ?
FCOUNT# of Fields
FIELDSArray of BtField Objects
FileFlagsFile flags of the table
FileNameFilename (possibly including path) of the open table
FilterCurrent filter
FixedSizeLength of fixed portion of buffer
FoundWas the last seek succesfull
IndexCount# of indexes
IndexesArray of BtIndex objects
LastErrorError number of last operation
LockListArray of currently locked records
MaxSizeMaximum Record Size
MultiLockAre we in Multi-lock mode
OpenIs the table (Still) open
OpenModeOpenmode used when opening the table
OrderKeyNoRelative position in the current index (approx.)
OwnerOwner of the file
PageSizePagesize of the file
PercentPositionMove table to specific record position
RecCountReturns the number of records in the table
RecnoCurrent record number



DataSizeData Length of current record
IndexesArray of btIndex objects
PercentPositionMove table to specific record position



AddStruct()Add alternative structure
Append()Append a blank record to the table
ClearBuffer()Clear the buffer of the table
ClearFilter()Clear the filter condition
ClearOrderScope()Set or clear the boundaries for scoping key values in the controlling order.
ClearOwner()Remove owner name from table
Close()Close open table
CreateIndex()Create a new index for the table
Delete()Mark the current record for deletion
DropIndex()Create a new index for the table
FieldGet()Get the contents of a field that is identified by its position.
FieldName()Return the name of a specified field as a string.
FieldPos()Position of a specified field within the data server
FieldPosName()Position of a specified field within the data server
FieldPosSym()Position of a specified field within the data server
FieldPut()Set the value of a field identified by its position.
FieldSym()Return the name of a specified field.
GoBottom()Position the table at the last record.
Goto()Position the data server at a specified record number.
GoTop()Position the table at the first record.
IndexOrd()Number of Active index
Init()Open the Btrieve Table
OrderInfo()Information about orders and indexes
OrderKeyVal()Return the key values of the active order
OrderScope()Get/Set the boundaries for scoping key values in the controlling order.
Recall()Remove the deletion flag from the current record
Refresh()Reread the current record from the database
RLock()Try to lock a record in the open table
Seek()Seek in the VO/Style with Softseek functionality
SeekEq()Find a record with an exact match to the given key(s)
SeekGE()Find a record with a key value greater then or equal to the key(s) given
SeekGT()Find a record with a key value greater than the key given
SeekLE()Find a record with a key value smaller or equal to than the key given
SeekLT()Find a record with a key value smaller than the key given
SetFilter()Set a filter on the server
SetOrder()Change the index order for the given server
SetOwner()Assign Owner name to Btrieve file
Setstruct()Activate alternative structure for open table
Skip()Move record pointer for table
Unlock()unlock a record, or all records in the open table
Update()Flush Table buffers to disk



This class is used to access and read/write Btrieve tables The class is fully strongly typed, so that the best performance can be achieved.

Error handling in this class is minimal. Most methods return a logical value to indicate failure or success. If you want to open a btrieve table on a datawindow you should use the BtServer class in stead



See Also

BtIndex, BtField, BtSegment, BtServer