BtServer Class

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BtServer Class

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Class to use Btrieve data in combination with VO's DataWindow/Databrowser classes







CLASS BtServer INHERIT DataServer







BofIs Server at BOF
ClientIdGet the client Id that was used to open this table
CurrStructReturns the current active structure definition of the file
DbStructReturn the structure of the table


DeletedIs the current record deleted ?


EofIs row pointer beyond the end of file


ErrInfoAn Error object identifying the error condition after the last operation


FcountGet number of fields in the current table



FilterA string representing the current active filter.


FixedRecSizeA numeric value representing the length of the fixed portion of the record
FoundWas the last seek succesfull


MaxRecSizeA numeric value representing the (maximum) record length of the table in bytes


NameName of the BtServer Class


OrderBottomScopeBottom boundary of scope


OrderKeyNoCurrent position in index
OrderKeyValReturn the key values of the active order on the current record



OrderTopScopeTop boundary of scope


PercentPositionRelative position in current order/file


ReadOnlyIs the Server opened in Read only mode ?


RecCountNumber of records in the server table


RecnoCurrent record number


RecSizeCurrent record length


SharedA logical value indicating whether the server is sharable or exclusive.


TableObject reference to the underlying BtTable object


UsedA logical value indicating whether the server is currently open.








OrderBottomScopeBottom boundary of scope


OrderKeyNoCurrent position in index


OrderTopScopeTop boundary of scope


PercentPositionRelative position in current order/file








AddStruct()Add alternative structure for open table


Append()Append a blank record to the table


ClearFilter()Clear filter condition


ClearOrderScope()Clear the scope


ClearOwner()Remove owner name


ClearRelation()Clear all active relations


Close()Close the table


Commit()Write all changes to the current record to disk
CopyDb()Copy contents of Btrieve server to DBF File


CopyFile()Copy contents of Btrieve server to new Btrieve File



CreateIndex()Create a new index


Delete()Delete the current record


DeleteIndex()Drop an index of the table


Error()Handle error conditions raised during database processing.


FieldGet()Get field value


FieldGetFormatted()Return the formatted contents of a specified field


FieldLength()Return the btrieve field length for the specified field


FieldName()Name of a specified field as a string.


FieldOffset()Return the btrieve field offset for the specified field



FieldPos()Return the position of a specified field


FieldPut()Set the field value


FieldSym()Return the name of a specified field as a symbol


FieldType()Return the btrieve field type for the specified field


FLock()Stub method.


GoBottom()Position the data server at the last record.


Goto()Position the data server at a specified record number.


GoTop()Position the data server at the first record.



INDEXKEY()Return the key expression of the active order


INDEXORD()Return the ordinal position of the controlling order in the order list.




NoIVarGet()Read field value


NoIVarPut()Write field value


Notify()An event handler that responds to events of this server


OrderInfo()Information about orders and indexes


OrderKeyGoto()Goto a specific order key position


OrderKeyNo()Retrieve (approximate) logical record number for a specific index



OrderScope()Get/Set the boundaries for scoping key values in the controlling order.


Recall()Recall the current record


Refresh()Reread the current record


Relation()Return the linking expression of a specified relation.


ResetNotification()Resume the broadcasting of Notify messages


RLock()Try to lock a record in the table


Seek()Find a record using its key value


SeekEq()Find a record with an exact match to the given key(s)



SeekGe()Find a record with a key value greater then or equal to the key(s) given


SeekGt()Find a record with a key value greater than the key given


SeekLe()Find a record with a key value smaller or equal to than the key given


SeekLt()Find a record with a key value smaller than the key given


SetDataField()Allows to override default datafields


SetFilter()Method to set a filter on the server


SetOrder()Change the index order


SetOwner()Assign Owner name to Btrieve file



SetRelation()Set a relation from this server to the child server.


SetSelectiveRelation()Set a selective relation from this server to the child server


SetStruct()Activate alternative structure for open table


Skip()Move the record pointer forward or backward


SuspendNotification()Suspend the broadcasting of Notify messages


Unlock()Unlock a record, or all records in the server


Update()Write all changes to the current record to disk





See Also


