BtServer Class
<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> BtServer Class |
Class to use Btrieve data in combination with VO's DataWindow/Databrowser classes
CLASS BtServer INHERIT DataServer
Bof | Is Server at BOF |
ClientId | Get the client Id that was used to open this table |
CurrStruct | Returns the current active structure definition of the file |
DbStruct | Return the structure of the table |
Deleted | Is the current record deleted ? |
Eof | Is row pointer beyond the end of file |
ErrInfo | An Error object identifying the error condition after the last operation |
Fcount | Get number of fields in the current table |
Filter | A string representing the current active filter. |
FixedRecSize | A numeric value representing the length of the fixed portion of the record |
Found | Was the last seek succesfull |
MaxRecSize | A numeric value representing the (maximum) record length of the table in bytes |
Name | Name of the BtServer Class |
OrderBottomScope | Bottom boundary of scope |
OrderKeyNo | Current position in index |
OrderKeyVal | Return the key values of the active order on the current record |
OrderTopScope | Top boundary of scope |
PercentPosition | Relative position in current order/file |
ReadOnly | Is the Server opened in Read only mode ? |
RecCount | Number of records in the server table |
Recno | Current record number |
RecSize | Current record length |
Shared | A logical value indicating whether the server is sharable or exclusive. |
Table | Object reference to the underlying BtTable object |
Used | A logical value indicating whether the server is currently open. |
OrderBottomScope | Bottom boundary of scope |
OrderKeyNo | Current position in index |
OrderTopScope | Top boundary of scope |
PercentPosition | Relative position in current order/file |
AddStruct() | Add alternative structure for open table |
Append() | Append a blank record to the table |
ClearFilter() | Clear filter condition |
ClearOrderScope() | Clear the scope |
ClearOwner() | Remove owner name |
ClearRelation() | Clear all active relations |
Close() | Close the table |
Commit() | Write all changes to the current record to disk |
CopyDb() | Copy contents of Btrieve server to DBF File |
CopyFile() | Copy contents of Btrieve server to new Btrieve File |
CreateIndex() | Create a new index |
Delete() | Delete the current record |
DeleteIndex() | Drop an index of the table |
Error() | Handle error conditions raised during database processing. |
FieldGet() | Get field value |
FieldGetFormatted() | Return the formatted contents of a specified field |
FieldLength() | Return the btrieve field length for the specified field |
FieldName() | Name of a specified field as a string. |
FieldOffset() | Return the btrieve field offset for the specified field |
FieldPos() | Return the position of a specified field |
FieldPut() | Set the field value |
FieldSym() | Return the name of a specified field as a symbol |
FieldType() | Return the btrieve field type for the specified field |
FLock() | Stub method. |
GoBottom() | Position the data server at the last record. |
Goto() | Position the data server at a specified record number. |
GoTop() | Position the data server at the first record. |
INDEXKEY() | Return the key expression of the active order |
INDEXORD() | Return the ordinal position of the controlling order in the order list. |
Init() | Constructor |
NoIVarGet() | Read field value |
NoIVarPut() | Write field value |
Notify() | An event handler that responds to events of this server |
OrderInfo() | Information about orders and indexes |
OrderKeyGoto() | Goto a specific order key position |
OrderKeyNo() | Retrieve (approximate) logical record number for a specific index |
OrderScope() | Get/Set the boundaries for scoping key values in the controlling order. |
Recall() | Recall the current record |
Refresh() | Reread the current record |
Relation() | Return the linking expression of a specified relation. |
ResetNotification() | Resume the broadcasting of Notify messages |
RLock() | Try to lock a record in the table |
Seek() | Find a record using its key value |
SeekEq() | Find a record with an exact match to the given key(s) |
SeekGe() | Find a record with a key value greater then or equal to the key(s) given |
SeekGt() | Find a record with a key value greater than the key given |
SeekLe() | Find a record with a key value smaller or equal to than the key given |
SeekLt() | Find a record with a key value smaller than the key given |
SetDataField() | Allows to override default datafields |
SetFilter() | Method to set a filter on the server |
SetOrder() | Change the index order |
SetOwner() | Assign Owner name to Btrieve file |
SetRelation() | Set a relation from this server to the child server. |
SetSelectiveRelation() | Set a selective relation from this server to the child server |
SetStruct() | Activate alternative structure for open table |
Skip() | Move the record pointer forward or backward |
SuspendNotification() | Suspend the broadcasting of Notify messages |
Unlock() | Unlock a record, or all records in the server |
Update() | Write all changes to the current record to disk |
See Also