
__UsualType 枚举

This enum is used to describe the type of USUAL values in the X# Runtime. It is based on the original USUAL type values in the VO runtime and has been extended with some additional type numbers.

命名空间:  XSharp
程序集:  XSharp.Core (在 XSharp.Core.dll 中) 版本:2.22 GA
 enum __UsualType
Void0The usual contains a NIL.
Long1The usual contains a LONG value
Date2The usual contains a DATE value
Float3The usual contains a FLOAT value
Fixed4This value is NEVER used for USUALs (this was also defined in VO but never used).
Array5The usual contains an ARRAY value
Object6The usual contains an OBJECT value
String7The usual contains an STRING value
Logic8The usual contains an LOGIC value
Codeblock9The usual contains an CODEBLOCK value
Symbol10The usual contains an SYMBOL value
Byte11This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual. Byte values are stored as LONG.
ShortInt12This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual. Short values are stored as LONG.
Word13This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual. Word values are stored as LONG.
DWord14This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual. DWord values are stored as LONG or FLOAT.
Real415This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual. Real4 values are stored as FLOAT
Real816This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual. Real8 values are stored as FLOAT.
Psz17This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual.
Ptr18The usual contains an PTR value
Int6422The usual contains an INT64 value (new in Vulcan and X#).
UInt6423The usual contains an UINT64 value (new in Vulcan and X#).
Char24This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual. Char values are stored as LONG
Dynamic25This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual. Dynamic values are stored as OBJECT
DateTime26The usual contains a DateTime value (new in X#).
Decimal27The usual contains a Decimal value (new in X#).
Currency28The usual contains a Currency value (new in X#).
Binary29The usual contains a Binary value (new in X#).
Null30The usual contains a DBNull.Value value (new in X#).
Memo32The usual contains an Memo value. This value is there for compatibility with VO but never used.
Invalid99Invalid Usual Type.