__UsualType 枚举 | |
This enum is used to describe the type of USUAL values in the X# Runtime.
It is based on the original USUAL type values in the VO runtime and has been extended with some additional type numbers.
XSharp.Core (在 XSharp.Core.dll 中) 版本:2.22 GA
语法 成员
| 成员名称 | 值 | 说明 |
| Void | 0 | The usual contains a NIL. |
| Long | 1 | The usual contains a LONG value |
| Date | 2 | The usual contains a DATE value |
| Float | 3 | The usual contains a FLOAT value |
| Fixed | 4 | This value is NEVER used for USUALs (this was also defined in VO but never used). |
| Array | 5 | The usual contains an ARRAY value |
| Object | 6 | The usual contains an OBJECT value |
| String | 7 | The usual contains an STRING value |
| Logic | 8 | The usual contains an LOGIC value |
| Codeblock | 9 | The usual contains an CODEBLOCK value |
| Symbol | 10 | The usual contains an SYMBOL value |
| Byte | 11 | This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual. Byte values are stored as LONG. |
| ShortInt | 12 | This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual. Short values are stored as LONG. |
| Word | 13 | This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual. Word values are stored as LONG. |
| DWord | 14 | This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual. DWord values are stored as LONG or FLOAT. |
| Real4 | 15 | This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual. Real4 values are stored as FLOAT |
| Real8 | 16 | This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual. Real8 values are stored as FLOAT. |
| Psz | 17 | This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual. |
| Ptr | 18 | The usual contains an PTR value |
| Int64 | 22 | The usual contains an INT64 value (new in Vulcan and X#). |
| UInt64 | 23 | The usual contains an UINT64 value (new in Vulcan and X#). |
| Char | 24 | This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual. Char values are stored as LONG |
| Dynamic | 25 | This value is in the enum for completeness but never used inside a usual. Dynamic values are stored as OBJECT |
| DateTime | 26 | The usual contains a DateTime value (new in X#). |
| Decimal | 27 | The usual contains a Decimal value (new in X#). |
| Currency | 28 | The usual contains a Currency value (new in X#). |
| Binary | 29 | The usual contains a Binary value (new in X#). |
| Null | 30 | The usual contains a DBNull.Value value (new in X#). |
| Memo | 32 | The usual contains an Memo value. This value is there for compatibility with VO but never used. |
| Invalid | 99 | Invalid Usual Type. |