Currency Structure |
Namespace: XSharp
[SerializableAttribute] STRUCTURE Currency IMPLEMENTS IConvertible, IFormattable, IComparable<CURRENCY>, IEquatable<CURRENCY>, IComparable, ISerializable, ICurrency
The Currency type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Currency(Decimal) | Initializes a new instance of the Currency class | |
Currency(Double) | Initializes a new instance of the Currency class | |
Currency(ICurrency) | Initializes a new instance of the Currency class | |
Currency(IFloat) | Initializes a new instance of the Currency class | |
Currency(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Construct a value from serialized data |
Name | Description | |
CompareTo(Object) | Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object. | |
CompareTo(Currency) | Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object. | |
Equals(Object) | Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. (Overrides Equals(Object).) | |
Equals(Currency) | Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. | |
GetHashCode | Returns the hash code for this instance. (Overrides GetHashCode.) | |
GetObjectData | Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object. | |
ToString | Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation. (Overrides ToString.) | |
ToString(String) | Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation. | |
ToString(String, IFormatProvider) | Formats the value of the current instance using the specified format. |
Name | Description | |
Addition(Currency, Currency) | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
Addition(Currency, Usual) | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
Addition(Usual, Currency) | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
Decrement | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
Division | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
Equality | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
(Currency to Byte) | ||
(Currency to SByte) | ||
(Currency to Short) | ||
(Currency to Word) | ||
(Currency to Long) | ||
(Currency to DWord) | ||
(Currency to Int64) | ||
(Currency to UInt64) | ||
GreaterThan | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
GreaterThanOrEqual | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
(Byte to Currency) | ||
(Decimal to Currency) | ||
(Double to Currency) | ||
(Short to Currency) | ||
(Long to Currency) | ||
(Int64 to Currency) | ||
(SByte to Currency) | ||
(Single to Currency) | ||
(Word to Currency) | ||
(DWord to Currency) | ||
(UInt64 to Currency) | ||
(Currency to Double) | ||
(Currency to Single) | ||
(Currency to Float) | ||
(Currency to Decimal) | ||
(Float to Currency) | ||
Increment | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
Inequality | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
LessThan | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
LessThanOrEqual | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
Modulus | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
Multiply | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
Subtraction(Currency, Currency) | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
Subtraction(Currency, Usual) | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
Subtraction(Usual, Currency) | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
UnaryNegation | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. | |
UnaryPlus | This operator is used in code generated by the compiler when needed. |
Name | Description | |
IConvertibleToBoolean | Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent Boolean value using the specified culture-specific formatting information. | |
IConvertibleToByte | Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 8-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. | |
IConvertibleToChar | Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent Unicode character using the specified culture-specific formatting information. | |
IConvertibleToDateTime | Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent DateTime using the specified culture-specific formatting information. | |
IConvertibleToDecimal | Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent Decimal number using the specified culture-specific formatting information. | |
IConvertibleToDouble | Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent double-precision floating-point number using the specified culture-specific formatting information. | |
IConvertibleToInt16 | Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 16-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. | |
IConvertibleToInt32 | Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 32-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. | |
IConvertibleToInt64 | Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 64-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. | |
IConvertibleToSByte | Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 8-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. | |
IConvertibleToSingle | Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent single-precision floating-point number using the specified culture-specific formatting information. | |
IConvertibleToString | Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent String using the specified culture-specific formatting information. | |
IConvertibleToType | Converts the value of this instance to an Object of the specified Type that has an equivalent value, using the specified culture-specific formatting information. | |
IConvertibleToUInt16 | Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 16-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. | |
IConvertibleToUInt32 | Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 32-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. | |
IConvertibleToUInt64 | Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 64-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information. |