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Functions, Globals and Defines

This compiler generated class contains all the functions, globals and defines that are defined in the VOSQLClasses.dll assembly.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  VOSQLClasses
Assembly:  VOSQLClasses (in VOSQLClasses.dll) Version: 2.21
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The Functions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberDToCSQL
Convert a date to a string in "YYYY-MM-DD" format
Public methodStatic memberMakeTimeStamp
Convert a date and seconds to a timestamp string in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.NNN" format
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSQLConnectErrorMsg
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether to display connection error messages.
Public methodStatic memberSqlDeleteWhiteSpace
**Missing documentation **
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSQLDropMyConnection
Disconnect the ODBC data source.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSQLGetDataSources
Identify the available ODBC data sources.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSQLGetMyConnection
Connect to the ODBC source specified.
Public methodStatic memberSqlIsBinaryType
Helper function to determine if an ODBC type is Binary
Public methodStatic memberSqlIsCharType
Helper function to determine if an ODBC type is Character
Public methodStatic memberSqlIsLongType
Helper function to determine if an ODBC type is Long (BLOB, MEMO etc)
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSQLOpenConnection
Connect to a list of ODBC sources.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSQLSetConnection
Return and optionally change the default SQL connection.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSqlSetStmtConcurrency
Return and optionally change the default concurrency mode for SQLSelect objects
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSqlSetStmtCursorType
Return and optionally change the default cursor type used by for SQLSelect objects
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSqlSetStmtSimulateCursor
Return and optionally change the default cursor simulation mode used by for SQLSelect objects
See Also