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XSharp.RDD Namespace

This namespace contains types used by the RDD system.
Public classBaseIndex
Base Index class. Does not implement anything.
Public classBaseMemo
Base Memo class. Does not implement anything.
Public classCSV
CSV RDD. For reading and writing semicolon delimited files.
Public classDatabasePropertyCollection
This collection is used to store additional properties for fields and servers such as captions, descriptions etc.
Public classDataSession
The DataSession class contains a list of workareas/cursors
Public classDbc
Helper class to open, close and select a database
Public classDbcConnection
Class that stores information about an ODBC connection in a DBC
Public classDbcDatabase
Class that stores information about a database.
Public classDbcField
Class that stores information about a field in a DBC
Public classDbcIndex
Class that stores information about an index in a DBC
Public classDbcManager
This classes manages open database. Both databases that are opened explicitely and also databases that are opened for "free" tables that have a backlink to a database
Public classDbcObject
Base class for objects read from the Database Container
Public classDbColumnInfo
This class describes extended information for a field in a workarea, for fields that come from a SQL backend.
Public classDbcOther
Class that stores other info about Databases, such as the source and object code for Database
Public classDbcRelation
Class that stores information about a relation in a DBC
Public classDbcTable
Class that stores information about a table in a DBC
Public classDbcView
Class that stores information about a view in a DBC
Public classDBF
DBF RDD. Usually not used 'stand alone'
Public classDbfAutoIncrementColumn
Class for reading / writing AutoIncrement Columns.
Public classDBFBLOB
DBFFPT RDD. For DBF/FPT. No index support at this level
Public classDBFCDX
Public classDbfCharacterColumn
Class for reading / writing String Columns
Public classDbfColumn
Class for DBF Column reading / writing
Public classDbfCurrencyColumn
Class for reading / writing Currency Columns.
Public classDbfDateColumn
Class for reading / writing Date Columns
Public classDbfDateTimeColumn
Class for reading / writing DateTime Columns.
Public classDBFDBT
DBFDBT RDD. For DBF/DBT. No index support at this level
Public classDbfDoubleColumn
Class for reading / writing Double Columns.
Public classDBFFPT
DBFFPT RDD. For DBF/FPT. No index support at this level
Public classDbfHeader
DBF Header.
Public classDbfIntegerColumn
Class for reading / writing Integer Columns.
Public classDbfLogicColumn
Class for reading / writing Logic Columns
Public classDBFMEMO
DBFFPT RDD. For DBF/FPT. No index support at this level
Public classDBFMEMOCDX
DBFFPT RDD. For DBF/FPT. No index support at this level
Public classDbfMemoColumn
Class for reading / writing Memo Columns. This class returns and writes the block numbers.
Public classDBFNTX
Public classDbfNullColumn
Class for reading / writing the Special Column for NULL values.
Public classDbfNumericColumn
Class for reading / writing Numeric Columns
Public classDBFVFP
DBFVFP RDD. DBFCDX with support for the FoxPro field types.
Public classDBFVFPSQL
DBFVFPSQL RDD. DBFCDX with support for the FoxPro field types and a List of Object values as backing collection for the data.
Public classDELIM
DELIM RDD. For reading and writing delimited files.
Public classFunctions
This compiler generated class contains all the functions, globals and defines that are defined in the XSharp.Rdd.dll assembly.
Public classInputBuffer
Public classInputBufferWeakBuffer
Public classRddError
Error subclass used by the RDD system.
Public classRecordList
Public classRegisteredRDD
This class is used to register RDD names with the matching System.Types
Public classSDF
SDF RDD. For reading and writing text files.
Public classTEXTRDD
Abstract TextRDD. For reading and writing delimited files and SDF files.
Public classTSV
TSV RDD. For reading and writing tab delimited files.
Public classWorkarea
Base class for DBF based RDDs. Holds common properties such as the Workarea number, Alias, Fields list and various flags.
Public classWorkareas
Class that contains the list of open Workareas. Each thread will have its own list.
Public classCode exampleWrapperRDD
This class can be used to wrap an existing RDD and add some functionality to it, such as logging, encryption etc.
To use it, create a subclass of this class and implement the methods that you want to override.
The constructor of this class takes an existing RDD object and automatically replaces it in the Workarea table.
Public structureDbCurrency
Implementation of the ICurrency interface that can be used by the RDD system.
Public structureDbDate
Implementation of the IDate interface that can be used by the RDD system.
Public structureDbfField
DBF Field.
Public structureDbFloat
Implementation of the IFloat interface that can be used by the RDD system.
Public structureDbfLocking
This structure holds the various settings for locking models
Public structureLockTimer
Public interfaceIBlobData
Interface that is used for BLOB operations for memo files
Public interfaceIDbRow
This interface defines a row in a .Net Table.
Public interfaceIMemo
This interface defines the mimimum methods that a RDD that supports memos should implement.
Public interfaceIOrder
This interface defines the mimimum methods that a RDD that supports indexes should implement.
Public interfaceIRawData
An RDD that implements this interface will return the data for memo fields as BYTE[] when the ReturnRawData property is set TRUE
Public interfaceIRdd
Definition for the interface that each RDD must implement
Public enumerationCursorProperty
Enum that matches the various FoxPro cursor properties, used in CursorGetProp() and CursorSetProp()
Public enumerationDatabasePropertyType
Enum that matches the various FoxPro database properties, used in DbGetProp() and DbSetProp()
Public enumerationDbfHeaderCodepage
DBF Header Codepage numbers.
Public enumerationDbfLockingModel
DBF Locking model.
Public enumerationDBFTableFlags
DBF Table flags.
Public enumerationDBFVersion
DBF File Versions.
Public enumerationERDD
Common RDD Error numbers
Public enumerationOsCodepage
OS Codepages as used in DBF files.
Public enumerationRecordListRecordState
Public enumerationSQLProperty
Enum that matches the various FoxPro Sql properties, used in SqlGetProp() and SqlSetProp()